Have a partner in life is the hope of every person in the world, after having lived a couple of people will feel more beautiful and the people nyaman.apalagi The most people we care about and we Love. After having a couple but sometimes people forget how to defend / maintain Such relationships, because if it is not maintained properly can be your romantic relationship faded and ran aground in the middle of the road. Then what the hell are necessary to maintain and nurture the seeds of love persisted faces numerous challenges and barriers?
1. Try to Create Good Communication Patterns and Comfortable
In every communication link is one thing that is very important because with good communication can prevent misunderstandings against the couple. Whatever happens partner will try to let you know what you are doing, or give a little attention to your partner.
Sometimes the reasons busy makes it difficult to take the time to contact a partner. nothing wrong with that rare contact partner if you do not have time. But, it would be better if you show the effort to keep track of news.
In the modern era is a lot of media to be easier for you to communicate with your partner, choose the communication patterns of the most menyenankan enta it via LINE, Whatsapp, Skype or a telephone conversation.
A time to 1 or 2 minutes on the sidelines of the time to say hello mate.
2. Describe your activity schedule
Let your partner know your activity schedule so he can understand what you are doing, then is to avoid misunderstandings and prevent him worried and waited with no clarity when you do not hear. Tell jiga when you unattainable means of communication or you're busy meeting.
3. Always Trying To Understand When he did not call
When the partner does not call you, try to always understand from the standpoint of his glasses. As a partner you already know what are the activities and the various possibilities that will he face the day, try to understand the conditions and difficulties. Putting yourself in position will make you more accepting of her situation.
4. Always be honest and Be open Anything About It
If you wish to keep relationships healthy and durable, honesty is one of the key. Never even try to lie and cover up the facts of the couple. If she loves you, she would not mind accepting the reality about you though most bitter though.
5. Always Build Confidence By Couple
Although he is the beloved idol of your heart, you may not always be together 24 hours a day, you do not have to watch him all the time. Can you do to stay comfortable undergoing daily activities is trying to trust each other against the couple.
Grow and fertilizer is always a sense of trust, that even if you're not together you will still endeavor to respect the values that you have agreed upon in the relationship.
6. Also Know How to behave during a fight with Spouse?
control yourself or your partner when angry, take a moment to Soothe Yourself Time, Try To Not Mutually Yelling and Screaming, shouting and quarrel with each other snaps will not solve the problem, even more muddy. Once the problem was finished try not to rehash, because Issue Completed No Longer Need to be raised. Forget and forgive pasangamu. Think of a fight that never happened as a form of learning for the future of your relationship.
You been a long time together does not mean you do not need to be nice and romantic for the couple to each other. Keep romantic and show your concern to your partner, even for little things though.
8. Do not Forget to Remember also to always be attentive to his family
In the family can not deny is one key to last a long time whether or not a relationship. Because if there is no support of it could be your relationship will not run smoothly and seamlessly. Do not forget to also give attention and respect to the family of your partner. Indicate if you really want a happy member of their family and had good intentions to mate.
9. Give Surprise
There is no harm in occasionally giving a gift or surprise for your partner happy. Invite your partner to a beautiful place that he envisioned, or simply rotate his favorite song when you're with. Things are out of the habit can create warmth among you.
10. To Spend Time Together
Amid kesibukanmu, a time to spend time with your partner. Not necessarily always a date to a romantic and expensive, you can even involve your partner into your everyday activities. You can accompany each other to the garage or to the salon for example. Here the important thing is not what you do, but the interaction and conversation you have when you are together ..
11. Keep Hanging With Friends Each
Beware ... do wrong. Got a couple does not mean that you should not associate or interact with friends each. Couples who still have good relationships with friends tend to have better social support. If possible, it would not hurt to bring your partner to your friendship environment. Because by introducing our partner to our friends could prevent suspicion and misunderstanding when you get together with friends.
12. Change Habits
Try Change eating place you into a new restaurant. Changes to the way home or via new routes. Or fox hair styles each appear to look more fresh. Do the things that you have never done before. Many things can be done to keep the relationship warm and pleasant.
13. Time To Own
Sometimes boredom can hit anyone when it too often together. If this happens, try to give each time so that you and your partner can have time for yourself first. No need for long, just make a pact this weekend you do not see first. Or for a married couple, can also make a pact to not eat dinner at home once a week to get out with friends.
By taking time for themselves, instead we will remember the importance of couples in our lives. When we meet again so that will longing rebuilt.
Try to appreciate and enjoy. This is the most beautiful thing that should be celebrated every day.
Although it has not pounding like before, but your partner is faithful person willing to accompany you in joy and sorrow. Togetherness you supposed to make you continue to fall in love again and Loving each other ..
Fostering and Maintaining Relationships With Communication
1. Try to Create Good Communication Patterns and Comfortable
In every communication link is one thing that is very important because with good communication can prevent misunderstandings against the couple. Whatever happens partner will try to let you know what you are doing, or give a little attention to your partner.
Sometimes the reasons busy makes it difficult to take the time to contact a partner. nothing wrong with that rare contact partner if you do not have time. But, it would be better if you show the effort to keep track of news.
In the modern era is a lot of media to be easier for you to communicate with your partner, choose the communication patterns of the most menyenankan enta it via LINE, Whatsapp, Skype or a telephone conversation.
A time to 1 or 2 minutes on the sidelines of the time to say hello mate.
2. Describe your activity schedule
Let your partner know your activity schedule so he can understand what you are doing, then is to avoid misunderstandings and prevent him worried and waited with no clarity when you do not hear. Tell jiga when you unattainable means of communication or you're busy meeting.
3. Always Trying To Understand When he did not call
When the partner does not call you, try to always understand from the standpoint of his glasses. As a partner you already know what are the activities and the various possibilities that will he face the day, try to understand the conditions and difficulties. Putting yourself in position will make you more accepting of her situation.
4. Always be honest and Be open Anything About It
If you wish to keep relationships healthy and durable, honesty is one of the key. Never even try to lie and cover up the facts of the couple. If she loves you, she would not mind accepting the reality about you though most bitter though.
5. Always Build Confidence By Couple
Although he is the beloved idol of your heart, you may not always be together 24 hours a day, you do not have to watch him all the time. Can you do to stay comfortable undergoing daily activities is trying to trust each other against the couple.
Grow and fertilizer is always a sense of trust, that even if you're not together you will still endeavor to respect the values that you have agreed upon in the relationship.
6. Also Know How to behave during a fight with Spouse?
control yourself or your partner when angry, take a moment to Soothe Yourself Time, Try To Not Mutually Yelling and Screaming, shouting and quarrel with each other snaps will not solve the problem, even more muddy. Once the problem was finished try not to rehash, because Issue Completed No Longer Need to be raised. Forget and forgive pasangamu. Think of a fight that never happened as a form of learning for the future of your relationship.
Maintaining Relationships In Everyday activities, what to do?
7. Show your attention to a coupleYou been a long time together does not mean you do not need to be nice and romantic for the couple to each other. Keep romantic and show your concern to your partner, even for little things though.
8. Do not Forget to Remember also to always be attentive to his family
In the family can not deny is one key to last a long time whether or not a relationship. Because if there is no support of it could be your relationship will not run smoothly and seamlessly. Do not forget to also give attention and respect to the family of your partner. Indicate if you really want a happy member of their family and had good intentions to mate.
9. Give Surprise
There is no harm in occasionally giving a gift or surprise for your partner happy. Invite your partner to a beautiful place that he envisioned, or simply rotate his favorite song when you're with. Things are out of the habit can create warmth among you.
10. To Spend Time Together
Amid kesibukanmu, a time to spend time with your partner. Not necessarily always a date to a romantic and expensive, you can even involve your partner into your everyday activities. You can accompany each other to the garage or to the salon for example. Here the important thing is not what you do, but the interaction and conversation you have when you are together ..
11. Keep Hanging With Friends Each
Beware ... do wrong. Got a couple does not mean that you should not associate or interact with friends each. Couples who still have good relationships with friends tend to have better social support. If possible, it would not hurt to bring your partner to your friendship environment. Because by introducing our partner to our friends could prevent suspicion and misunderstanding when you get together with friends.
How To Overcome If Boredom in a relationship?
12. Change Habits
Try Change eating place you into a new restaurant. Changes to the way home or via new routes. Or fox hair styles each appear to look more fresh. Do the things that you have never done before. Many things can be done to keep the relationship warm and pleasant.
13. Time To Own
Sometimes boredom can hit anyone when it too often together. If this happens, try to give each time so that you and your partner can have time for yourself first. No need for long, just make a pact this weekend you do not see first. Or for a married couple, can also make a pact to not eat dinner at home once a week to get out with friends.
By taking time for themselves, instead we will remember the importance of couples in our lives. When we meet again so that will longing rebuilt.
Try to appreciate and enjoy. This is the most beautiful thing that should be celebrated every day.
Although it has not pounding like before, but your partner is faithful person willing to accompany you in joy and sorrow. Togetherness you supposed to make you continue to fall in love again and Loving each other ..
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