Jumat, 13 November 2015

Make sense Love Couple So smoother skin

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Leather lover or your spouse was not perceived as soft. Smooth and creamy taste that appear as influenced by the nervous system. Even arguably, skin softness that feels just a couple illusion.

This is the result of research by a team from University College London, UK. The soft illusion created by the nervous system turns on intimate moments to increase pleasure. It appears to increase the desire intimacy through touch.

"We found the illusion of being powerful when caresses done intentionally and in accordance with the optimal properties of specific systems within the skin to receive affective touch," Antje rich Gentsch, a doctorate in psychology who is also one of the researchers.

In a research note people consistently assess skin softer partner of their own skin. Experts say the study suggests that the nervous system is usually slow to respond in an intimate touch to encode pleasure.

Touch or hug it has long been believed to have a devastating effect on the human body. Affect not only the physical but also the psychological condition. For example, premature babies who got a touch of the skin of the parents, of the study are known to be stronger and more able to survive.

The researchers say a touch or a hug is actually a kind of "psychological reward" soothing, and so a kind of "social glue". Touch can quickly activate the nervous excitement, to arouse the desire of happiness. So do not be surprised f you addicted to come into contact with people who are dear.

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