it is a long story, but here goes,
we were on our way to Bangkok,
making our way out of Pattaya,
we noticed this new building,
we were going to The Paseo Park,
passing a few landmarks on the way,
over the bridge,
although I am not sure which one,
we arrived at the park,
or I should say shopping mall,
it was a delightful place to look around,
everything was of a distinctly Japanese flavour,
a huge pool ran through the mall,
over which there were a number of bridges,
underneath which koi swam,
some of them the long finned variety or butterfly koi as they are known,
the pool was huge,
encompassing waterfalls,
and other features along its length,
the water was nice and clean,
so it was easy to see the fish,
towards the end of the pool,
a few flamingos were wading, on each side a plethora of restaurants,
it was all so nice,
and plenty of places to sit and admire the pool,
but first breakfast,
at the MK Restaurant,
what a feast,
we did not know where to start first,
this plate a mixture of roasted duck and two types of pork,
we both thought so,
meal over,
we had a look around,
at some of the stalls,
under what is the biggest ceiling fan I have ever seen,
there was a distinctly pet scene here,
with dogs,
lots of them,
and cats here,
and of course the pet shop,
there were a few other stalls here,
to look at,
as we made our way around the mall,
with its Japanese theme what is more appropriate than cherry blossom?
we continued our look around,
passing by the pool,
with so many fish,
and some like this one so graceful,
and as I said before so many of them,
a final look,
and it was time to meet Yanisa and welcome our new member of the Kemp family,
into the taxi and we were off, passing The Democracy Monument,
it is a traffic circle on the wide east-west Ratchadamnoen Klang
Road, at the intersection of Dinso Road,
we then saw in the distance,
our next stop Chatuchak market as it was on the way back,
we had to buy some pet litter on the way home and this is the one we were looking for,
it was so packed today as it was Saturday,
the skies looking very ominous,
all set and we were on our way,
the traffic was a nightmare,
but we were soon home with the new member of the family, a little baby girl,
yes we bought a kitten,
and here she is settling into her overnight home,
we should have had her room ready by now,
but the builder took on too much on a previous job so he can not start till next week,
now it may seem like a quick decision, but it was made some time ago, earlier year in March we went to a cat show, to meet breeders and whilst there,
bought this, a tall tower as it is known ready for our new kitten, it appears that Savannah cats, ours is a F5, like to be up high, so we bought it then and I assembled it yesterday, note to self when the height of the tower is taller than a normal sized door stop building! we put off buying a kitten until we returned from our European adventure so as we are now back here she is,
back to the kitten her name is Mariana,
and already she has settled in,
and we know that any toy with feathers is good for her,
so we had to make a short video of her first night here,
our romantic evening for two was of course out of the window as we did not arrive home until nearly 9.00 in the evening, so a meal indoors, chicken kebabs and a glass or three of red wine,
then feet up for the final episode of Downton Abbey, next for the three of us we were all off to bed.
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