Kamis, 18 Agustus 2016

It Seems To Be Spring Time,

for the cactus,

 Mr. Tony called round for a chat and as he was leaving we noticed a few more of the cactus had flowered,

 this one a nice yellow,

 in one of the other trays a similar flower, 

 but a shade lighter in colour,

 not to be outdone one of Diana's stinky cactus also had a couple of flowers,

 strange looking they attract insects by emitting a rotten food smell not to eat but to fertilise them,

 in the late afternoon we popped over to the market, 

 for some,

 pok-pok for Diana,

 and some grapes to nibble on in the afternoons,

 we gave these meats on a stick a miss,

 but did buy a few limes to take to the market tomorrow,

 also we bought a couple of boiled chicken pieces, one for my evening meal and one for breakfast,

Diana also purchased a few of these chicken hearts on sticks,

after our evening meal we watched some Judge Judy, then 4 episodes of Downton Abbey series 6 back to back, by now it was late, so for us we were off to bed.

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