to the Kemp household,
so an early start,
to Bangkok.
at the end of Wireless Road,
this imposing building is nearing completion,
we, that is Barry and myself were going to the British Embassy that the new building is next to, but first breakfast in the Novotel,
we had made the trip in almost record time,
from door to door in just one and a half hours,
so it gave us plenty of time,
to see what was on offer,
for breakfast,
and what a selection,
and for 530 baht per head,
we all thought was reasonable considering we were in a 5* hotel,
pretty much in the middle of one of Bangkok's expensive areas,
so decision made,
time for our choices,
eyes down and tuck in,
we then made a move leaving the Novetel behind us to the UK Embassy,
a half an hour or so and it was business completed and over the tracks,
to the Philippine Embassy for Diana,
as soon as Diana was finished there we were off to Chatuchak market, for two reasons, firstly we were in Bangkok, so it seemed a shame not to have a look around,
secondly, Barry had never been to the market before,
so it was a totally new experience for him,
to see in this case how members of the public,
and aquatic outlets,
bought the fish,
they wanted to keep,
or resale,
there were of course many shops selling hardware as well, we next went to the pet section, looking at many of the strange and unusual pets on offer, the only problem being there are NO PHOTO signs everywhere, so take my word for it when I say amongst other strange pets we saw, raccoons, not only the usual ones but an albino one, moving from North to South America, capybara, which it appears make good pets, then to the desert Long Eared Jerboas, there were of course
countless birds, lizards and snakes even hedgehogs and ferrets, not to mention
puppies and kittens, which brings us on to our next stop in Pathum Thani,
to meet Chris as arranged at his cattery,
ABT.Bengals -Absolute Bengal Thailand,
as well as Bengals,
he breeds Abyssinian's and Cornish Rex breeds of cats,
in all of the above pictures he is showing us some of his fabulous breeding stock,
then into the birthing room, where two dams,
have a litter each,
it was a hard choice, we wanted to take all of them with us!
but as arranged settled on the two we really liked,
this is Hogue,
and Cable,
the two boys,
both Cable,
and Hogue had soon settled in, though not without a bit of a hissing fit from Mariana, who I guess thought she only shared the house with us, still I guess over the next few days there will be truce declared,
during the day the small pool was taking shape, both Savannahs and Bengals love water strangely enough, so we are having a small pool and fountain made for them in their room,
the walls have been prepared for tilling,
and more work has been carried out on the wire frames to make the doors cat proof, plus the wood for the door frame has arrived, this will be the only post today, in the background the kittens are asking loudly to be played with, last night I was speaking to Steve in the UK on the telephone, bearing in mind the kittens temporary home is at the other end of the living room he could hear then with no trouble at all! so for Marina, Houge and Cable play time this morning has arrived, back to last night, we were exhausted, so we watched some cable television and we were off to bed.
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