Jumat, 12 Agustus 2016

There Are A Few Records Being Broken In Rio,

and this is one of them,

 a massive 623 feet long covering 32,000 square feet mural, 


 it is the work of artist Eduardo Kobra, the work titled ‘Etnias’ (translation “ethnicities”),

 “The five characters represent the five continents – the
concept was based on the five Olympic Rings,” says Kobra in an interview with the official Rio Olympics website, “These are the indigenous people of the
world, the idea behind it is that we are all one, this is the first time I have
worked with ethnic people, We’ve all got the same origins so we have to get
along, not only during the Olympic Games but always, We should always stand for
world peace.”

mural portrays the faces of five indigenous men and women
from five continents, including the Mursi of Ethiopia, the Kayin of Thailand,
the Supi of Europe, the Tapajos from the Americas and the Huli of Papua New

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