Every week I like to share wonderful reads and resources to inspire simplicity, mindfulness and living well on less.
- The Anti-McMansion via The New York Times. One family in a communal clutter free space, "We love the things that we have and try not to be wasteful. The rest, we edit."
- A simple approach to walking for mind and body, Why no-frills walking is the best kind of walking by Marissa Bate via The Pool.
- Was Thoreau fleeing reality? He's certainly inspired many of us to simplify our lives and notice the everyday beauty in nature. Oliver Burkeman disagrees: Why cabin fantasies shut out reality via The Guardian. For more escapism find copious calming cabins on the blog Cabin Porn. Love it.
- I enjoyed this short story on Granta, an online magazine of new writing.
- Continuing my floating tiny home fantasy... take a tour (via Homes & Property) of up-cycling genius Max McMurdo's floating home as seen on George Clarke's Amazing Spaces this week.
- After my holiday treats it's time to get my grocery shopping back under control as I continue A Year of Less Spending. Jack Monroe provides a useful updated list of her shopping on a budget tips here. The readers' comments are worth studying too - I like the idea of a printed list and using it many times (diagonal line for bought item, crossed line for used up item and repeat).
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