Sabtu, 26 September 2015

Happy Links

With lustrous autumnal sunshine bookended between chilly mornings and evenings it's time to make the most of these late September days. From warming soup to getting outdoors this week's links are all about making the most of the moment (and indeed our lives). I hope you enjoy them.

  • How to get your kids outside by Cathy Bussey via The Telegraph. Yay! Lucy from Lululastic and the Hippyshake has written a new book, 30 Days of Rewilding. This book has inspiring real life stories and daily suggestions for outdoorsy activities. A good read for anyone wanting to reconnect with nature. 
  • With the 5p charge for single use plastic carrier bags just days away (in larger shops in England) I loved this idea from Margo at Thrift at Home, I Rescue the Bags and Set Them on a New Path. I've been reading that the average UK home has 40 plastic bags yet the number of single use plastic bags has increased for the fifth year to a staggering 8.5bn. Time to swing those reusable shoppers with style.
  • The Six Types of Minimalists by Aly at Minimalism is Simple. I'm an accidental/curious minimalist. How about you?
  • Rachel Khoo' s Harissa Minestrone Soup. Rachel's twist on minestrone. She uses canned cherry tomatoes (pricey) but I'm sure they could be substituted as could the harissa paste if you don't have any. Watching Rachel cook is quite relaxing - she's not too choppy with her knife like most chefs are. I haven't tried this yet but I will as plans of soup making have been swirling around my head this week. One for next week's menu. 
  • How to Live a Life with No Regrets by Hilary Barnett at No Sidebar. You may have heard about The Five Regrets of The Dying by palliative care nurse Bronnie Ware. This post reminds us of what might be at the forefront of our minds as we near death and has some great thoughts on how simplifying can clear space for a better quality of life now.
  • Finally, I was delighted to read that Gillian at Tales from a Happy House has made it to the shortlist for Best DIY & Crafts Blog in the Amara Interior Blog Awards. She fully deserves to have been shortlisted and I can't wait to hear about awards night. Fingers crossed Gillian.

Have a great weekend. I'm heading out to tidy our tiny garden and then go out for a lovely autumn walk. Thanks for reading, commenting and following as always xo

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