Kamis, 27 Februari 2014

Ooh la la..exercise in Saigon

Poolside aquafit

"Oohh la la..let's exercise"
There is only one person who can say this without getting 
a shrug from me and that is Caroline from aqua fit. 
Caroline is French and has to be one of the most enthusiastic
and energetic people I have come across in Saigon. 

I call this class my "French Connection" for it seems
that nearly everyone in the class is French. 
Caroline calls out
" un, deux, trois, go, go, go"
and we all peddle to the max.

I love this class...
the bicycles are in the water.
We spin, we sprint, we paddle,
we push, we pull, we jump, we run in place,
we work hard..all in the comfort of a pool.

If you live in Saigon and would like to
try this class (and I recommend that you do)
You can contact Caroline via the details below.

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