Kamis, 26 September 2013

About Jeanne

n. a person who leaves his or her native country
If you look up the synonyms for expat in a thesauraus you will find
traveller, wanderer and wayfarer in addition to alien, outcast and colonist.
Who am I? What am I?

More importantly, where is home?

If you are an expat..this will be a very familiar question
 and one that many of us tend to mumble over when asked. 
It's complicated, is my usual response.
If I really want to dodge the question, 
I ask how much time they have for the answer.

What is important, is where I am now. 

For the past year (and for a few more to come) 
I have resided in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam 
with my family...well, some of them, 
for again it is complicated. 
We are currently spread out between
Australia, America, New Zealand and Vietnam.

Hence...a blog.

I have two.
I write about life at Collage of Life.
I write about Vietnam and my discoveries 
here at Expat Diary: Viet Nam.
This is a little blog..
I hope to leave it a much richer
 one for all who read it.

If you live in Vietnam, 

if you plan to travel to Vietnam,
if you would like to reconnect with Vietnam 
or simply learn about Vietnam...
I hope you find what you are looking for.
To all of you, I say welcome and thank you.
I appreciate your time and attention...truly!

If you have a question, 

please feel free to write to me
I look forward to it!

You can also find me at all of the following:


Thank you for reading along!

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