Rabu, 07 September 2016

The Three Rooms You MUST Unpack First When You Move

This post was sponsored by Charmin as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central.

They say that one of the most stressful situations you can experience is moving. I've moved my fair share and agree that disrupting my current routine can be stressful and picking up a similar routine that works for you and your family can be hard to establish after moving. However, after my half a dozen moves over the past 5 years, I have some tips for setting up house quick so you can get back to your daily routine.

Once all of your boxes have been packed and loaded onto a moving truck, or in your car, it's time for the real journey. Whether you have your family and friends help you move in to the new place or if you hired a crew, you will be bombarded with questions on where you want what and how you want things.

First things first, move all labeled boxes to the most appropriate room. If your move is anything like mine, the new house doesn't have the same layout as the previous house so guessing where you want boxes can be challenging. But, if you have a spare room you can stage random boxes in, you are setting yourself up for a spectacular unpacking session.

Once all of the boxes and furniture have been placed in their corresponding rooms it's time to unpack. There are three rooms to focus on first; your bedroom (and any kid's bedrooms), bathroom, and kitchen. After those three rooms have been established, or at least livable, you can move onto the living area, office, basement, garage, outdoor space, etc. Now let's break down the three most important rooms to unpack first.
Click to tweet: The 3 rooms you must unpack FIRST when moving.
Livable Bedrooms
If you are a solo mover then it's only important to set up your bedroom but if you are moving with a family, it might be a good idea to be sure that everyone has a bed to sleep in the first night. The first step to setting up your bedroom is to unpack the bed including the mattresses and make the bed with clean sheets. The closet and dresser situation can be handled at a future time, so long as your clothes can be easily accessed.

This is one of those rooms that will get used within the first few hours of moving in. I mean, we all have to use the restroom to either relieve ourselves, wash our hands, brush our teeth, or take a shower - it's inevitable, when duty calls. So try and do a rough cleaning of the toilets, sinks, and showers then make sure the room(s) have soap, towels, and toilet paper.

I have always been the type of person that keeps loads of extra toilet paper readily available in each bathroom for my family and for guests. There's nothing more terrible than running out of toilet paper and having to yell for help, especially when you are at someone else's house. Talk about embarrassing!

Charmin is inviting shoppers to upgrade their Angel Soft® for Charmin Essentials Soft and Scott® 1000 for Charmin Essentials StrongTo participate, people can simply Tweet their TP swap out request to @Charmin using the hashtag #CharminEssentials and #Promotion, and Charmin will send you a free roll.*
Click to tweet: @Charmin I want to TP swap with #CharminEssentials #Promotion
I appreciate the the price point of Charmin Essentials because it allows me to keep all three of my bathrooms completely stocked. Plus, who can complain with a strong quality toilet paper that can withstand all your bathroom needs?!

Chances are you will order out or get a takeout pizza on moving day. However, it's important to get the essentials setup in the kitchen so you can quickly get back to a daily routine. Finding a home for the dishware, glasses, silverware, bakeware, and such can seem like a daunting task but having those items put away sooner rather than later will help you to feel more established in your new home.

*#CharminEssentials TP Swap Program Terms & Conditions: http://spr.ly/6011B4QMT 

Have you ever moved?
Do you follow guidelines when it comes to unpacking?
Share your go-to TP (toilet paper) below.
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Related : The Three Rooms You MUST Unpack First When You Move

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