Yesterday We Posted A Piece,about cardists,which I enjoyed, so I decided to try a waterfall as I call it, if you watch the video above, (it is a 2 coffee cup video) the water fall comes at 0:59 in, ...
Every So Often,we watch a program about two guys who collect meteorites, titled Meteorite Men, the two guys in question Geoff Notkin and SteveArnold who take on the painstaki ...
I Am Sure We Have All Visited,an all you can eat restaurant,and seen dinners leaving food to be thrown away on their plates, well here is a novel idea from Yuoki, a sushi restaurant in Stuttgart ...
I Missed It By A Few Months,back in 1976 the Great American Horse Race took place,the event took place on May 31st, 1976, 40 years ago, aspart of the 200 year Centenary celebrations, ...
Most Saturday Evenings,we sit outside and have a romantic candle lite bar-b-q for two and listen to music, we have a Bluetooth speaker that plays from my telephone, we are on our second o ...
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