Minggu, 04 September 2016

As Arry Was Not Working This Morning,

after finishing the blog,

 we played with the kittens, before going for lunch at The Robin's Nest in Soi Diana,

 Mr. Tony, Slim Jim and myself were all going with the 299 baht all you can eat 3 course carvery,

 the included soup of the day was golden pumpkin,

 but the lure of bar-b-qued spare ribs was too much for Diana,

 I am not sure how many ribs were there but the rack looked and was huge,

 our turn at the carvery,

 for dessert Diana chose a blueberry slushy,

 whilst we all went with the included ice cream,

 and naturally a glass of medicinal red wine,

 not included in the price is the coffee,

 we had after the meal,

 for myself a latte, 

 more and more food stalls seem to be appearing everywhere, almost opposite the restaurant these two one for kebabs,

 and this an Indian one,

 after the meal, we walked to Mr. Tony's car and after saying farewell to Slim Jim drove around the L K Metro Soi, 

 passing a mobile towel seller on the way,

 turning at the 90° bend at the end of it and passing Kilkenny where I have my breakfast whilst waiting for the blood results on my bi-monthly check up,

we continued towards and into Soi Bukaow and then home, we chatted with Mr. Tony for some time then after thanking him for the lift home said our goodbyes, then feet up for a few game shows, a couple from Poirot then for us off to bed.

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