Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2016

We All Buy Water,

some in bottles,

some like us have a water filter and UV system under our sink to purify water, and there are companies that make speciality water like this one, here is a new way to enjoy your morning coffee, add coffees missing element Aquiem, the brainchild of a group of entrepreneurs in Baton Rouge,
Louisiana, Aquiem is “enhanced water” that has first been purified to zero
mineral content and then enhanced with all-natural essential minerals to enrich
the flavor, consistency and even the aroma of coffee. “What you definitely do
not want is to have things like zinc and lead, fluoride, chlorine and large
amounts of calcium in the water, all of that effects the taste of the coffee,”
Aquiem co-founder Rob Vidacovich stated, so if you want maximise the taste of your coffee you can currently buy a case of 12 one-litre cartons for
$25.68, from the company’s official website, and no I am not on commission but I think we will stick with the water from our water filter and UV system.

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