Senin, 22 Agustus 2016


I was talking to some of my colleagues and they were sharing on how difficult it was to get their children to sit down and read, what not with the more appalling and captivating graphics from our electronic devices. The emergence of Pokemon Go definitely does not help much either on getting your child to quiet down and settling with a book a hand.

Even if you do not have a child now, you might have young nephew or nieces that could definitely do with a bit of help in getting them to focus less on electronic devices and back to the plain old habit of reading.

To help you to engage your young ones in picking up the good reading habit, Tuition Finder Singapore and I will be giving away a KINDLE to 1 lucky reader! ( Deeds below)
 Here's to not totally disconnecting with technology and yet bring our little ones back to the root of reading in peace.

So here are 5 reasons why cultivating a Reading habit is good for a young child:
1.  Builds a stronger relationship between you and your child. Snuggle up in bed with a good book. Most children books are not only educational but full of morals that also teaches important, meaningful life lessons

2.  Hornes their speech skills.  By listening to you read to them and how you speak, is a form of reinforcing the basics sounds that form language

3. Builds up their communication skills.  When a child starts reading at a very young age with their parents, they will be able to express themselves better, and relate to other kids in school in a healthier, positive way. By witnessing characters interact with each other in books, the child will gain valuable insight in communicating. 

4. Builds up a child's confidence. As parents read with their child and relate certain stories that deal with topics such as courage, kindness, friendships, respect etc.,, a child will be able to find relief and common grounds with the protagonists in the stories. This realization could help them overcome any possible struggles or unsettledness.

5. Develops their relational skills. Of course academically wise, reading often will help a young child to develop their logic and cognitive skills faster and better than others. 
Make reading an essential part of a young child's daily lives and unleash your child's potential! 

So get started!

If you wish to win a KINDLE 8/ Basic 2016 (White Edition) for the little ones in your family to cultivate good reading, then follow the steps below:

1. Follow me on Instagram: @JiahuiMuses 
2. Follow @Tuitionfindersg on Instagram 
3. Share this blog post via Facebook ( Via the sidebar)
4. Comment below once done with your IG Username handle. 

Good Luck!

**Contest ends on 31st Aug and is only opened to residents in Singapore

This article is brought together by Tuition Finder Singapore 

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