many thanks to Mr. Tony for forwarding this to me, it is the rope trick which I am sure we have all seen before, Penn and Teller certainly have, but this version of the trick left them speechless as to how it was done, to be fooled watch Las Vegas magician Mac King perform his version of the rope trick as only he knows how.
It Is That Time Of The Year Again,when writers do not want to see the opening lines of their book ridiculed in print,except in this contest, the official deadline is April 15, but the actual deadlineis J ...
At First Glance,the picture below,almost looks like it is a piece of sheet music, but these photographs from Yoshinori Mizutani are more sinister than any song, looking like ...
Although Not Tattoos,these examples of body art, are so good, but at the same time just a little disturbing,they are the work of Lisha Simpson, using 3 D effects the images look so real ...
I Have Heard Of Boats Hitting Swimmers,other boats, docks, bridge supports, even icebergs, but this is the first time I have heard of one hitting a car, but this canal boat did as it cruised the Riv ...
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