Senin, 18 Juli 2016


Famed for its 4 distinctive blocks of colored HDB blocks, this place is about to go down into another page of Singapore's history. With the centre's demolishing nearing (  predicted to be any time this year though exact date is unknown) impeding, recent months have see nostalgic Singaporeans from all walks of life — be it photographers, youngsters, or the baby boomers heading down to the center to capture the remaining remnants of this once bustling estate in the 70s and 80s, filled with over 100 shops and eateries in its prime. 

Facades of Singapore's Unique Icon
The demolishing was paved to make way for part of the North-South Expressway and the announcement came end of 2015 last year, among sighs of defeat and unwillingness to relocate, the demolishing took quite some years ( from announcement of the intention to execution), as ample time was given for the shop owners to relocate to other sites ( impossible to find comparable rentals). Despite petition and unwillingness among the residents, shop owners or conservationists, it seems like historical importance can't beat the importance of development and the expressway, unfortunately has to go on.

My Younger Days 
For me these 4 blocks represent part of my childhood as I frequented the Rochor, Si Ma Lu area often with my family. We often parked our car in Rochor Centre for its cheaper parking rates as compared with nearby OG or Fu Lu Shou Complex. From there on we are able to spend 1 whole afternoon roaming this area with the Kwan Im Thong Hood Cho Temple, Rochor Food Centre, OG, Sim Lim Suare, Bugis Street and Bugis Shopping District nearby. There is no lack of things to do with its prime location and unfortunately, we never think of taking a good look while things we still the way they were do we?

Glad we did a little tour in this estate, truly, for the first time now. 

Enjoy the visuals.
 Now is still not too late to head down for some photography as keepsake. 

The once-upon-a-time childcare/kindergarten 

Residents of the rooftop also includes these pigeons.

Everywhere they are.

'Localised' Void Deck
As with SG 50 last year, special posters were put up. They were, rather quirky to say the least. Especially, in contrast to the otherwise desolated neighborhood in the void deck, save for some roaming photographers. 

Unique right? We thought so too. 

The once-upon-a-time RC.

Overlooking down , this is the view you will see. 

By now, many shops have already shut and relocated. 

While there, take an OOTD against the iconic blocks too

BYE Rochor centre, you will be missed. 

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