Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman
Maigre- Meagre
Maigre – Meagre, Croaker, Shade Fish, Drum Fish, Salmon Bass. The meagre is a tasty fish with tender and firm flesh, it is a member of the croaker and drum fish families. Some are caught at sea, and they will be on the menu as Maigre de Ligne or Meagre sauvage, wild meagre, but many are raised on fish farms. This fish may also be on some menus as Corbine; however, there are other fish with corbine as part of their French names so read the menu carefully.
Maigre on French Menus:
Carpaccio de Maigre, Vinaigrette au Yuzu et Mangue Fraiche – Meagre Carpaccio served with a yuzu and fresh mango vinaigrette. Yuzu is a citrus family member with a taste somewhere between an orange and a grapefruit.
Sushi: Salmon and Salmon Bass.
Dos de Maigre, Jus de Cresson, Jardin Potager, Couteaux et Amandes de Mer – A thick cut of Meagre flavored with watercress juice and served with young vegetables, razor clams, and sea almonds.
Dos de Maigre “Label Rouge” Cuisiné à la Basquaise – A thick cut of “Label Rouge” Meagre cooked in the Basque manner. In the Basque manner indicates a fish cooked in piperade sauce or with the Basque Country’s much-appreciated Piment d’Espelette - Espelette Chili Pepper. The Label Rouge, red label, the mark of quality is only rarely given to farmed fish. In this case, the red label meagre is farmed at sea off the coast of Corsica. Particular attention is given to low-density farming. The fish are farmed for at least 18 months and sold at weights between 2 and 7 kilos.
Maigre, Salmon Bass, Croaker.
Photo provided by Glenda Kelly of IGFA.
Angler: Garcia Phippe. Weight: 40.75 kg
Dos De Maigre Rôti Et Légumes Croquants au Tamarin – A thick cut of roasted meagre served with crunchy vegetables flavored with tamarind. Tamarind has a sweet and sour taste. The Tamarind is a pod-like fruit that grows only in Africa.
Fried Meagre.
Le Maigre Label Rouge Filet À La Grenobloise, Pommes De Terre Fumées Et Coulis D'épinards. - Sauce Grenobloise is a butter sauce that originated in the city of Grenoble in South Eastern France. This sauce is a clarified butter sauce with lemon and capers and only served with fish.
Maigre Fumé et Beurre Noisette – Smoked meagre served with beurre noisette. A melted butter sauce. Noisettes are hazelnuts, and here the butter is melted until it resembles the color of hazelnuts.
Many menus seem to offer meagre poached with cream and or wine sauces, but smaller fish are also grilled or pan fried whole. The word maigre also means thin and lean in French, so make sure the waiter understands your order!
Meagre in the languages of France’s neighbors:
(Catalan – reig), (Dutch – meagre, ombervis), (German – adlerfisch, umberfisch), (Italian – bocca d'oro, boccagialla, umbrina laccia), (Spanish- corbina, corvina, meager).
Meagre in other languages:
(Chinese (Mandarin) -鷹石首魚, 大西洋白姑魚 ), (Dutch – meagre), (Finish - Kotkakala ), (Greek – Κρανιός, kranios), (Hebrew - et-yam mazuy, mousar, מוסר ), (Norwegian – Ørnefisk), (Russian - Горбыль серебристый). (Turkish - granyoz baligi).
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Bryan G. Newman
Behind the French Menu
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