Sabtu, 09 Juli 2016

M'sia: Sinar Eco Resort


Had a chance to visit Sinar Eco Resort located at Johor, Malaysia!
As the name suggests, Sinar Eco Resort kinda gives you an eco-stay experience. Nestled in the quiet tranquility of an oil palm estate, Sinar Eco Resort provides the perfect atmosphere for you to wind down and retreat from the busy city life. The retreat is only a 30-40 minutes drive from the Singapoe Tuas checkpoint.

It was a beautiful day when we arrived! This is how the resort looks like: 5
A pity the rooftop bar (above the buiding) was still under construction when we arrived~ It'll definitely be a nice spot to sip a cocktail while watching the sunset or even do star gazing! ;)


Lobby area where you can check in!

We were then ushered to our rooms after checked-in! The apartment rooms were still in the works when I was there. So I had the chance to stay in their modern container rooms!

But do not belittle these container rooms! They were surprisingly well-equipped, fully functional and best of all, it honestly looks pretty darn good! Definitely surpassed my expectations of it hehe
Clean, modern toilet just like any other normal hotels!


At Sinar Eco Resort, they offer lots of activities for you to do and experience too!

1. ATV (Buggy Ride)

Get to practice your ATV skills at their tracks!

Or better still, head out to the wild for a spin!! Thank you Shankar (the owner of the resort) for bringing us around :D
I have always wanted to ride an ATV but had no chance to in Sg so I was really excited to be able to ride one here! It was really a whole lot of fun albeit a lil messy with all the mud and whatnot lol

Shankar also brought us to visit a local prawn farm!
So so fun! Would love to do this all over again!

2. Archery
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3. Get up close and personal with the farm animals!
You can feed the chickens, ducks etc~ 
Or pet the friendly cats
They have ALOT of dogs too but a pity I don't have any pics of them~

Feed the goats & sheeps!

Feed the horses and even have a horseback riding session!
Meet Silver! He's such a friendly and majestic white horse!
Now meet the cows!
I even had the chance to milk the cow!! What an experience!

Baby calves! Aren't they adorable!!!
Say hello to these cutey rabbits!
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Seriously lost count of the amount of animals they have at the farm~
Not complaining though cuz I think it was a good exposure to city kids like me lol

Besides all the above, there are other activities for you to do such as pool, singing karaoke, canoeing, swimming etc!

During my stay, I had all my meals at the resort itself which were all lovingly home-cooked! Alternatively you could also take a drive out but I was feeling pretty lazy and the food is honestly good, so why waste it right! Anyway, here's the common dining area :)
Nasi Lemak for breakfast:)

Nasi Briyani for lunch!

All BBQ food are also prepared and cooked for you by the chefs so it was really hassle free :)
Btw, I am not a fan of lamb at all but the lamb steak was surprisingly gooood!!!!! Do try it if you're there!

Day 2's breakfast spread! I was so well fed this entire trip man LOL

Thank you Shankar for having me over and showing such great hospitality! :)


I truly recommend Sinar Eco Resort if you're thinking of a short weekend getaway, especially so for families with kids cuz I think the kids will have so much fun with the animals!! It's a great quiet retreat from the hustle and bustle city life! 
Perhaps the only thing I hope for is for the resort to have Wifi!!! But then again, 'losing touch' with everyone & the world for that short 2D1N wasn't a bad thing either. At least I wasn't glued to my phone 24/7 and was instead, enjoying the company of H, my new friends and the whole eco-environment :)

For those who are interested, you may check out their fb page at:

Till the next one,

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