Jumat, 08 Juli 2016

10 Best Universities in Italy

10 Best Universities in Italy

Countries with the flag of green, white, red, and this may be one of the countries of study were coveted by students around the world. In addition to its beauty, Italy also upholds the problem of education. The country has a clause that guarantees the right of individuals to pursue higher education through a university or college. Alumni European institutions will also seek to continue to guide you by giving information about the world of lecturing in Italy. There are many opportunities for international students to study here. Students from outside Italy are welcome to explore the possibilities and see what is in accordance with their wishes. If you are interested in studying in Italy, we suggest some universities in Italy that you can make the target:

1. University of Bologna

The oldest university in Italy and Europe is located in Bologna, Italy. University founded in 1088 is also the first university to be established in the Western world. The university is also digolongnya a great university, judging from the number of students who achieve lebihd ari 95,000 people in 2006. To date, the University of Bologna is still regarded as one of the universities that is advanced in terms of the education system in Europe. There are 23 faculties at the University of Bologna, some of which are Faculty of Architecture, Law, Psychology, and Science Statistics.

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2. Sapienza University of Rome

Sapienza University of Rome is the oldest university in Rome and the largest in Europe. The university has about 140,000 students and 4,500 professors in it. Sapienza University of Rome conduct scientific investigations leading in almost all disciplines and achieve high results, both at national and international level. The University has 23 faculties, 111 departments, and 30 research centers devoted to scientific research. The university is increasing its research by offering the opportunity for human resources abroad.

3. Politecnico di Milano

Established in 1863, Politecnico di Milano is a school of architecture, design, and engineering the largest in Italy. Politecnico di Milano is situated in two locations. Two main campus is located in Milan, the city center of the fashion and design industry, and five more in Lombardy. The university offers a variety of innovative programs with three engineering schools, two schools of architecture, and a design school. Some important scientists and architects who had studied here include Achille Castiglioni, Gio Ponti, and Giulio Natta.

4. University of Milan

The university is located in Milan, Italy. Research and system of learning and teaching at this university has grown from year to year and has received several international awards. University of Milan now has 9 schools, 134 departments, 19 schools kedoktran, and 92 specialist schools. The nine schools / faculties, the School of Law, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, Agriculture and Food Sciences, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Natural Sciences and Technology, Sports Sciences, Humanities, Linguistics and Cultural Studies, and Political Science, Economics, and Social.

5. University of Pisa

The University was established in the city of Pisa, Italy, and is one of the oldest universities in Italy, established in 1343. The university has about 57,000 students with eleven faculties and 56 departments. Faculty are available at this university, the Faculty of Agriculture, Economics, Engineering, Foreign Languages ​​and Literature, Law, Literature and Philosophy, Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, Political Science, Veterinary Medicine, as well as Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, and scientist Natural Science. Galileo Galilei, a philosopher, astronomer, and physicist Italy, is also a graduate of the University of Pisa.

6. University of Padua

University of Padua in the city of Padua, Italy and is one of the best universities in the era of modern Europe. In 2003, there were 65,000 students studying at the University of Padua. The University was not founded as a "gift" from the Pope, but as a response to certain social and cultural conditions that are needed at the time. This university is a source of innovative decisions that affect governments in Europe.

7. Università degli Studi di Roma

Universities are also known sebaggai The University of Rome Tor Vergata is a university that-although was a young man-have achieved high quality standards in Italy and even Europe. The university is located in Rome and has six faculties covering Faculty of Economics, Engineering, Humanities, Law, Medicine and Natural Sciences. The University is committed to stay ahead in terms of research and teaching, and its commitment is evidenced by numerous research awards, a number of research contracts are still active, and financial support. This university provides a good research environment and has attracted several other important research institutions.

8. Politecnico di Torino

University of Torino offers high quality technology education. This supports the students to be able to do research in the form of theorists and applied. This university prioritizes practicality without forgetting design, and striving to maintain quality while keeping costs incurred. At the Politecnico di Torino, the needs of the present study for the sake of future needs. After graduation, a graduate of Politecnico di Torino are expected to have gained extensive knowledge and skills from different sides. Prominent university education is the education of engineering and architecture. Politecnico di Torino Students can gain interdisciplinary skills in the field of contemporary science and remain aware of the needs of the surrounding community.

9. University of Florence

Universities in Florence, Italy is one of the oldest and largest university in Italy. There are twelve faculties at this university, among others, the Faculty of Agriculture, Architecture, Art, Economics, Education, Law, Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacology, Political Science, Psychology, and Mathematics, Physics and Natural Sciences. Alessandro Pertini (Italian president), Nicholas V and Pius II (pope), Pier Carlo Bontempi (architect), and Francesco Antommarchi (doctor and personal physician of Napoleon) are some people who have studied at the University of Florence.

10. University of Naples

University of Naples is located in Naples, Italy, and was founded by Emperor Frederick II in 1224. The University is a public university first supported in education and research. University of Naples This gave them the research facility as a form of support to all programs. The university is divided into thirteen faculty. Thirteen faculties, namely the Faculty of Agriculture, Architecture, Biotechnology, Economics, Engineering, Law, Literature and Philosophy, Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, Political Science, Sociology, Veterinary Medicine, and Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences.

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