here's a list of top 13 tourist Attractions in italy that I have a special recap for you all :
1. Colosseum
Colosseum is a tourist place in Europe right her in Italy is very popular throughout the world. It feels incomplete if you are on vacation to Italy without visiting this building that phenomenal one. Located in the city of Rome, the Italian capital. The Colosseum is a historic building with a very unique architecture. Built in about the year 72 to 80 AD by Emperor Vespasian, the founder of the Flavian dynasty. Colosseum stood firm like a football stadium. That said, the Colosseum could accommodate many spectators to reach 55,000 people with 80 entrances. Building with elliptical shape has a height reached 48 meters in length x width = 188 meters x 156 meters. The building is also known as the Flavian Amphitheatre.
As one of the attractions that are well known and very popular, the Colosseum is always visited by many tourists from both local and international. The number of visitors has increased dramatically even when summer arrives. Colosseum load time is 08.30 local time, while the lid is about an hour before sunset.
Jumat, 24 Juni 2016
Top 13 tourist attractions in italy
2. Castel Sant 'Angelo
Castel Sant' Angelo is an ancient building which was originally a castle cylindrical. Castel Sant 'Angelo, also known as Spot Hadrian, because when the Roman emperor died in 138 AD, his body was buried in this place. Not only Kaisar Hadrian, the Roman emperors other then also buried here. Castel Sant 'Angelo is located on the edge of the right side of the river Tiber and is connected to the entire city via the Ponte Sant' Angelo (Bridge of Hadrian), in which the original building of this bridge was built in around the 17th century. Along the Hadrian bridge decorated by various marble statues are seen as the embodiment of angels in various poses. Being one of the main attraction when you want to visit Castel Sant 'Angelo and across the bridge of Hadrian.
Castel Sant 'Angelo can be regarded as a building that has multifunctional. Because, in addition to serve as the tomb of the Roman emperor, the building is also several times the switching function as a fortress, military barracks, prisons, home to whales, part of the city wall, until the last work until now is a national museum. The building is located at Lungotevere Castello can you visit every day with opening hours from 09:00 am local time.
3. Piazza Novona
Piazza Navona square is very large and beautiful, located in the center of Rome, west of the Pantheon. Especially in the afternoon, this location is used as a place for recreation crowded by locals and tourist. The strongest appeal of Piazza Navona is the afternoons. On the right and left sides Piazza Navona there is a row of stately buildings of typical European architecture. restaurant also widely available here which is very crowded, especially in the afternoon. for those who want to enjoy the beautiful scenery while sitting eat typical Italian dishes.
In Piazza Navona are three fountains namely; Fountain of the Four Rivers at the peak there is a statue Obelisk of Domitian, then there is the Fontana del Moro that there are four Tritons (sea god who has the lower body such as dolphins) in the pond, and the latter Fountain of Neptune. For those of you who want to see this fountain third from close range, there has been provided places to sit around so that visitors will not be tired of standing. Additionally, if you pay a visit to Piazza Navona, do not miss the chance to visit also the giant Baroque church Sant'Agnese in Agone which was on the back side of Piazza Novana.
4. Pantheon
Pantheon is a temple relics of the Roman Empire at the present time have been converted to the Roman Catholic Church. The building is situated on the edge of the central square of the city of Rome or the Piazza della Rotonda, near the Piazza Novona. The distinctive feature of this building is high pillars patio section, which later on today many inspiring than the design for buildings such as libraries, universities, government buildings, etc. in the city of Rome.
The Pantheon was built around the year 27 BC as a temple before. The construction itself was completed in 126 AD, during the reign of the Emperor Hadrian. As the original destination, Pantheon is a temple that serves as a place to worship the Roman gods. However, the fire occurrence in the year 80 AD, leaving only the front of the pole buildings (Portico). Later, Emperor Hadrian improve it and add parts Rotunda, a circular building, on the inside of the Pantheon. Then, since the year 609 AD, the Pantheon was converted to a church until about 1885 AD. In addition, the Pantheon is also used as a place to bury the Italian national heroes such as King Emmanuel I and Raphael, the Renaissance painter.
5. Trevi Fountain
As the name suggests, one of the attractions of this fountain is located in Trevi, Rome. Compared with other fountains throughout Italy, Trevi fountain Fountain is the largest and most well-known and popular throughout the world. Style Baroque fountain has 26.3 meters high and 49.5 meters wide. Built in 1732 AD by order of Pope Clement XII and designed by Nicola Salvi. Trevi Fountain adorned with many sculptures told of "Taming of the Waters", someone who can tame the water.
In the middle of the Trevi Fountain sector a statue depicting Poseidon or Neptune, the god of the sea in the well known, halfway up the chariot drawn by two-tailed sea-horse-shaped monsters, after that ,while held by Triton, the god tailless dolphin. Described how the expression of the horse there is calm and there are restless, in which it describes the state of the sea is also changing. Then on the left side there is a relief sculpture of Neptune abudance symbolizing prosperity, was pouring water from a jug. On the right side there Salubrity as a symbol of health, is holding the water drunk by a snake. Purpose of this story is to illustrate the story of the construction of the Aqua Virgo aqueduct, along with one of the builders that Agrippa.
Besides admired for their magnificent design, the Trevi Fountain is also famous by the myth of the myth of throwing a coin into the pond. That said, anyone who throws a coin believed to be going back to visit this city someday. So, crowd-traveler perform this ritual with the rules, the thrower must be turned side of the fountain. Every day, there are about 3000 Euro collected in the pond. However, the coins were not arbitrarily go unpunished melainkan collected for later use as a subsidy to the poor and those in need. Indirectly, perform this ritual, that means you also once ber charity.
6. Vertical Garden
Milan is one of the cities in Italy that is famous for fashion and has long been one of the world's Qibla life style. But apparently, the attraction of capital Probincia di Milano, Regione Lombardia is not only in terms of fashion alone. There is one fairly well-known tourist attraction in Milan the artificial nature in the form of a vertical garden located in a shopping center Fiordalisa Shopping Center. This park is the tallest vertical garden in Europe, even in the world.
Conceived by Le Corbusier of France, with Francesco Bollani with the team of Montpellier in France as an architect. Milan in vertical gardens, there are about 44,000 species of plants, while the whole wide area reached 1,263 square meters. The vertical garden has been around since 2010.
7. The Vatican Museums
The decision of Pope Julius II in 1506 bought Laocoon, a marble statue of the first century were discovered by a farmer in the Roman wine into the right decisions that ultimately makes the biggest museum in the Vatican has become one of the tourist destinations are very much visited by tourists. During the 500 years of its acquisition, the Pope actually managed to make the Vatican Museums as a very popular place. With so many works of art that adorn this museum, as Pope Julius II was an art lover.
Visitors can admire the greatness of Michelangelo carved in the walls of the Sistine Chapel. Meanwhile, to witness the beauty rather than the work of Renaissance artist Raphael and Laocoon sculpture, there are other parts of the museum. This museum visiting hours vary, but generally the Vatican Museums started can be visited at 0845 local time, until the late afternoon. Starting from Monday until Saturday, the Vatican Museum is closed on holy days.
8. Mount Gianicolo
Gianicolo hill offers a view that can be said to be the best in the city of Rome from the top of the hill that lies between the Vatican and Trastevere. Therefore, it is situated on top of a high hill Gianicolo also has several historic buildings used for religious purposes. To reach Gianicolo hill, you can start from Castle San Angeli on the banks of the river Tiber, followed by walking a fairly steep climb from Via Urbando VIII. It takes about an hour on foot to achieve the peak Gianicolo, but believe me, all tired and weary will be paid off by the treats that you see on the hill once you reach it later. Even along the journey towards the hill else you will tercengang will treat places like Children's Hospital is the hospital Bambino Gesu. Gianicolo Hill most suitable to be used as destinations enjoy the sunsets and the night atmosphere of Rome.
At the top of the hill Gianicolo there is a historic cannon is cannon Gianicolo. Every day, at 12.00, the cannon will be fired into the air as a sign to the entire church in Rome to ring the bell simultaneously. Besides cannon Gianicolo, there are garden Piazza Garibaldi, around which we can see luxury residences belonging to the ambassador the world. There is also a fountain of Acqua Pauloa inspiring than the Fountain of Trevi Fountain. Adjacent to Acqua Pauloa, sturdy stand ninth century church, the church of San Pietro in Montorio. Yanga where the church was dedicated to St. Peter, because according to local beliefs, this is where St. Peter was crucified upside-down. When you Down from the hill Gianicolo, you are still treated to beautiful scenery in the form of the old city of Rome called Trastevere which has a very beautiful building architecture and romantic. In addition, Trastevere also offers typical Italian treats at restaurants that stand along the road.
9. The Cinque Terre
Cinque Terre is a colorful small town in the region of Riviera, Italy. For those of you who have been satisfied tampak terlihat the bustle of the city in Italy, it would not hurt to visit the place on this one. Cinque Terre is a very unique city with the buildings colorful. This has been true since centuries ago and maintained until now. The location is not far from the edge of the Mediterranean Sea so the Cinque Terre can also serve you delicious seafood.
Cinque Terre has been designated by UNESCO as a world heritage site that is protected. Cinque Terre means five regions, extending from north to south, which is composed of five villages of Monterosso al Mare, Vernazza, Corniglia, Manarola and Riomaggiore.
10. The Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore
Basilica di Santa Maria Maggiore is one of the historic buildings in the city of Bergamo. Especially for those who are fond of historical places, then you should not miss this one building that has a uniqueness and beauty in it.
This place has some collection of historical relics in the ancient world who may never have to know, so do not be surprised if many who visit this place to see historic relics of the past that will provide knowledge and usually the investigators or teenagers who are conducting research on the spot which has a variety of unique historic and historical heritage of the past.
11. Beautiful Bridges in the city of Venice
Beautiful bridge in the City of Venice, Venice is a city that is so unique that there are in Italy because the city is entirely built on water, in the middle of a lagoon. Known as one of the most beautiful cities and the most romantic. Piazza San Marco is the heart of Venice with a magnificent church. The most popular and most historical of the Venezia is a bridge that stretches from East to West.
Basically, Venezia is an archipelagic with an area 412 square meters and dogged by the waters, and has hundreds of bridges are very pretty. That is why the city is also known as The City of Water. The main attraction of the city of Venice is a bridge-bridge is beautiful and romantic, so it attracts many tourists to see. Of the hundreds of bridges in Venice, there are five bridge (ponte) are most popular among visitors.
The fifth bridge is as follows:
Ponte degli Scalzi - Located in front of the main train station Venezia that allows this bridge will be the first bridge you see when you visit this city. Built to replace the Austrian iron bridge (one of the four Grand Canal in Venice). Ponte degli Scalzi is a link between territories sestieri of Santa Croce and Cannaregio.
Ponte Tron (Ponte de la Piavola) - Bridge this one is rather unique, because of the small so called by the locals as la piavola or bridge doll. Ponte Tron is one of 400 bridges connecting the islands 118 OFA is an island with more than 150 channels in Venezia. The bridge was built with the main ingredient of Istrian stone that can be seen throughout the city. but due to its unique shape, then this bridge has become one of the most favored bridge visitors.
Ponte di Rialto - As one of the oldest bridges in the Grand Canal, the Ponte di Rialto that was completed in 1531 has a length of about 48 meters with 12,000 wooden poles which is the original building and still lasting more than 4 centuries and still survive until today this.
Ponte della Liberta - Ponte della Liberta has a length of 3.85 kilometers which makes this bridge as one of the longest bridges in the Venezia. Although the bridge does not have a unique architecture, bridges, this one has its own appeal with the historical side, which makes the visitors still making it the favorite bridge to visit. Ponte della Liberta is a symbol of the expiration of the fascist dictatorship. This bridge connects the city Venezia Mestre.
Ponte Concordia (Bridge of Sighs) - Of all the bridges in Venice, Ponte Concordia or Bridge of Sight is considered the most popular bridges is caused by a phenomenal myth that is where couples kissing under the bridge at sunset, then their love will be eternal. On the other hand, the white limestone bridge was once a link between the old jail Venezia to the interrogation room. Therefore, in addition to storing romantic side, the bridge is also never kept it gloomy for so-called last sight seen by inmates before being imprisoned.
12. Rabbit Beach Lampedusa
Italy also kept the charm extraordinary beaches. Even one of the beaches in Italy is known as the beach that presents the charm of the most beautiful in the world. Yes, Rabbit Beach Lampedusa. Located on the southwest coast of Sicily, this beach has been crowned as the most beautiful beaches in the world by one of the leading tourist sites in 2013 ago.
Different from most beaches normally, Rabbit Beach. as the name suggests, has a unique place to live that is hundreds of rabbits. All the rabbits were living freely around the beach and has been there since many years ago. In addition to rabbits, baharinya travel is also very famous because it is still very well preserved because of the region itself is still not widely available human activity. Beautiful white sand and clean and blue sea water can be enough reason why this place is so worth visiting. Rabbit Beach only be visited by boat. No one if Rabbit Beach has been named the most beautiful beaches in the world because the beach itself has been considered to have all the makings of the most beautiful beaches. Starting from the sand, the sea is blue, marine tourism, free-living rabbit disini and Medeterania warm weather makes the beach located on Lempedusa Islands is very suitable to be used as a sundeck while enjoying the spectacular views.
13. Casa Giulietta, Verona
For you lovers of literature, the story of Romeo and Juliet William Shakespeare is certainly so famous around the world. So, the story that later became a movie the first time the story takes place in this city, Verona, Italy. then make this city as a tourist destination is very popular in Italy. Every year, thousands of tourists come to this city of Romeo and Juliet. Casa di Giuletta, known as the Juliet's house, became one of the destinations most visited by tourists. There, you will find thousands of letters and messages can be sent by a visitor to his Juliet. In addition, there is also a statue of Juliet with the myth of visitors who holds her bre*sts will make the visitor wishes come true. In addition to Juliet's house, at Casa di Giuletta, not far from the Arena, there is the third largest amphitheater resembles the Colosseum in Rome.
By foot, down the road, you will find a building with antique gate which is the official residence of the Dal Capello family. Capello name was revealed to be Capullet name, family name belongs to Juliet. That's what makes the local people believe that the building was the original residence of Juliet. Another myth is that the padlock colors are not far from the statue of Juliet. It is believed that if the couple write their names on a padlock and stick it in there, then their love will be locked permanently (not to be separated and will always be faithful forever).
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