Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

Just Back

We're just back from Utah and a week spent road tripping around the state visiting the national parks there. 
I never imagined I’d be spending time in a place like Utah. It’s not exactly diverse after all and with being predominately Mormon, there are a lot of customs and rules that you wouldn’t find in any other part of the country. Definitely got a ton of eye brow raises when we told people we were headed that way. 

But we were there to experience the natural beauty and certainly did that. I’m still amazed by how impressive everything is there and a little shocked that we managed to do the mighty five in just 7 days. Seriously crossed so many things off the bucket list. 

I'm a bit overwhelmed with where to start with sharing this epic adventure, since I literally have thousands of amazing photos like the one above. I guess I’ll begin with an overview, so I'll be back with our itinerary tomorrow. For now, we’re catching up on sleep, reuniting with our pup, and nursing some wicked sunburn.

linking up with blovedboston//

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