Rabu, 11 Mei 2016

best travel destination of the year

Wanderlust Wednesday-Week 10
I've been hinting at a big trip for weeks now, but haven't wanted to spill the beans too early. But we're taking off in just a couple of weeks. I was flipping through the best rated places to visit in 2016, when I realized that we were headed to this year's #1 destination. Total coincidence, but I'm not at all surprised. So where is this wondrous place? 
It's freaking UTAH! 

 I bet you were expecting an island off the coast of Bolivia or perhaps some unheard of town in the Philippines. Maybe even visit to Dubai. But Utah beat out all the rest, which just goes to show how important it is to appreciate what's in your own backyard. According to Fodor's, Utah came out on top because it's an outdoor wonderland.
It's most known for The Mighty 5 or it's five national parks: Zion, Bryce Canyon, Arches, Canyonlands, and Captiol Reef. And we're headed there to experience as much of the Mighty 5 parks as possible. Our plan is to fly out, then spend a week road tripping our way through Utah, hiking and camping the national and state parks along the way. It may seem odd to want to spend my week of vacation hiking in the desert and sleeping in a tent, but Utah means so much more than that. 
As a national park lover, Utah is the holy grail. It's filled with red rock mountains and craters, slot canyons with entire rivers running through them. Utah is a dream come true. I'm looking forward to spending our time outside conquering mountains and searching for new horizons. I want to feel physically challenged every day and sore every night. But I'm most excited to be far enough away from civilization to truly see the Milky Way for the first time in my life. 
These photos speak volumes, showing off exactly what Utah has in store for us. We are in official countdown mode and take off at the end of this month. We're kind of nervous with getting everything planned and packed in time, but also so very excited. Utah, we're coming for you. 
linking up wanderlust wednesday with emily, kate, kerri

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