Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

Tourist Attractions In Yogyakarta (Jogja) - 2

6. Sonobudoyo
This is the museum in Yogyakarta that presents you history, culture and architecture of the building Java awesome. Inaugurated by Sri Sultan Hamengkubuwana VIII in 1935, Sonobudoyo is home to a collection of Javanese culture and history of the most complete in Indonesia after the National Museum of the Republic of Indonesia in Jakarta.

Sonobudoyo open to the public from 8 am till 2 pm. On Monday, a holiday, and holidays will be closed for public visits. For entry to the tourist attractions of Yogyakarta on this one, you have to pay admission Sonobudoyo Rp 3 thousand per person (adult) and Rp 2,500 per person (children). For foreign tourists, the admission price of Rp 5 thousand per person.

In this museum, you can see the Wayang kulit (using the Java language accompanied by Javanese gamelan music) from 20:00 until 22:00 at night. To watch, you have to pay a puppet show ticket is Rp 20 thousand per person.

7. Plaosan Temple
Plaosan temple is located close to Prambanan temple, has a unique charm among a number of attractions temples in Yogyakarta. Plaosan temple was built by Rakai Panangkaran, one of the kings of the Sailendra dynasty, who also founded the Borobudur and Sewu temples. This temple is also called the twin temples, is divided into two parts, namely North Plaosan temple and South Plaosan temple. The layout of both to each other, only about 100 meters.

From the style of the temple, it is known that the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta this one is a blend of the two cultures, namely Hinduism and Buddhism. According to local belief, Plaosan has the power of love between Rakai Pikatan and Pramoedya Wardhani. Therefore, it is believed will bring blessings to couples of men and women. That's because the attraction of this temple is quite popular for couples who want blessed with the birth of a child.

8. Baron Beach
The beach which is about 65 km from Yogyakarta city center has charm beautiful panorama and is a place for those who want to eat a variety of seafood dishes. Baron Beach is actually a bay with the existence of two hills that flank the left and right.

Attraction allure Jogja beach this one is a delicious culinary offerings of the sea. You can taste the lobster, snapper, white pomfret, until the cob. Baron Beach is also a dock for fishermen, you will find the fish auction in this coastal region.

9. Kotagede
This is the place Panembahan Senopati, founder of the new Mataram kingdom established the court in the year 1575. From the lineage, Panembahan Senopati are direct descendants of the ancient Mataram rulers who built Borobudur and Prambanan.

Kotagede is a tourist attraction in Yogyakarta that is right for you who want to enjoy sightseeing on foot. In this area, you can find traditional silversmith shops and mosaic tiled houses lined the street, once these houses are the homes of the aristocracy and royal merchants. You can look around and buy silver handmade pull of this place.

Today, the region of Kotagede is a center of silver industry in Yogyakarta. Additionally, you can also visit an ancient site is a member of the royal burial place in Kotagede. Only, you have to wear clothes that Java can be hired at the registration post because the tomb of Mataram kings in this place considered sacred.

10. Selarong Cave
Tourist attraction in Yogyakarta this one is also known as a place of religious tourism in Yogyakarta. Many visitors come to Selarong Cave to perform meditation and various other rituals. Selarong Cave is a place where the struggle of Prince Diponegoro centered, which became the headquarters of the guerrilla war against Dutch colonialism.

For some people, this cave is considered to have mystical value and contains a mystery. To be able to enjoy sightseeing in Selarong Cave, you can pay the entrance fee of Rp 2 thousand per person. If you bring a vehicle, then you also have to pay the parking fee. Public facilities available in Selarong Cave sights including public restrooms, places of worship, play facilities, substation view, pavilion to rest, and even can be used as a campground if you like.

11. Jomblang Cave
Cave located in Jetis Wetan, Kecataman Semanu, Gunung Kidul has cave tour charm called "Light of Heaven". If you're down to the bottom of the cave, you 'll find a natural corridor that is the liaison between Jomblang Cave and Grubug Cave.

Here you can see the green stalagmites tanned and sunlight that penetrates the darkness of the cave, presenting a stunning view of the cave tours that illuminate the stalactites and stalagmites so that the floor of the cave was so wonderful, and some people refer to it as the Light of Heaven.

12. Yogyakarta Smart Park
Located in the center of Yogyakarta city, Yogyakarta Smart Park is a laboratory recreation of packaging which is very useful for students. This is a place where students can freely and freely explore science subjects in schools through direct observation.

As a vehicle for recreation and learning, Smart Park open to the public is no exception to the group of students. There are various supporting facilities, including the food court, audiovisual room, a play area (playground), and a multifunctional meeting room exhibition hall).

To be able to sign in, you have to pay admission Yogyakarta Smart Park Rp 15 thousand per person (adult), Rp 8 thousand per person children), and Rp 15 thousand per person (for those who want to planetarium).


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