Jumat, 05 Februari 2016

Easy Ways to Eliminate Acne Naturally and Quickly

Easy Ways to Eliminate Acne Naturally and Quickly

Remove acne in a short time is coveted and highly desired by everyone who is having problems on their faces. No wonder a lot of chemical drugs circulating in the market that is targeted to the patients with the lure can quickly eradicate acne. But it's good that acne treatment using natural materials in the appeal with chemicals, because natural ingredients do not have any side effects on the face in the future.

Before discussing the various natural treatment of acne, it helps us understand what is the definition and important information about acne.
Understanding Active Vs Acne Acne Scars
For the handling and treatment optimal treatment you should understand the difference of active acne with acne scars. Both have different treatment procedures.

Active Vs Acne Acne Scars
Active Vs Acne Acne Scars

Active acne
• Looks flushed
• standout
• Causing pain

Acne scars
• Looks blackening
• Kempes, or even forming a crater

From the description of the picture above we can see the difference between acne scars with active acne. In part this article we will discuss how to get rid of acne.

The medical term for acne is acne vulgaris, it was included in one of the skin diseases that occur because of their oil glands in foliker halis fur / hair. Skin diseases (acne) is usually common in both men and women at puberty masu. The reason is in puberty hormone glands (sebaceous) begins to grow, the gland is produced by the adrenal glands in men and women.
To support your success in the fight against acne, in this article we have researched various team resources and experience of how to get rid of acne naturally and quickly-tested. There are four main categories which means that we will discuss are:
1. herbal / using natural materials
2. Through lifestyle or habits
3. Through the beauty clinic treatment
4. Through drugs - drugs

How to Eliminate Acne By Herbal & Natural

How to remove acne that first we discuss here is to use herbal or natural materials provided by nature.
1. Low cost / no fees
2. Easy to be found anywhere
3. Do not have side effects

Here are some herbs and how to get rid of acne naturally without chemicals and side effects.
1. Ice Cube
2. Honey
3. Using Lemon
4. Garlic
5. Tomatoes
6. Lime
7. Steam
8. Toothpaste
9. Aloe Vera
10. Cucumbers
11. With Urine / Urine (Discovery & Breakthrough)
12. Using Papaya Leaf

How To Eliminate Acne With Lifestyle and Habits

1. Do not put hands on face / acne
2. Wash your face at least 2 times a day
3. Avoid Excessive Use of Cosmetics
4. Often often was exercising (sweating)
5. Do not be in a squeeze
6. Use protective headgear (or the like) loose
7. Avoid Stress
8. Drink lots of water
9. More frequent bathing
10. Adequate sleep
How to Eliminate Acne in Beauty Clinic
If you want to get rid of acne for sure, of course the answer is to consult a doctor beauty related. Usually a lot of beauty clinics that utilize the technology and treatment as well as laser technology to get rid of acne.
1. Microdermabrasion
2. Laser Technology
3. Facial Face
4. Peeling

How To Eliminate Acne With Drug
1. Using Benzoyl Peroxide

How To Eliminate Acne With Drug
Benzoyl peroxide is one of the substances that are often used in most of the drug gel and cream beauty. Benzoyl peroxide can be use to kill the bacteria that are a major cause of acne. Securities given is not too fast, it usually takes 1-2 weeks to see the results.
Note: get a prescription for the use of this drug.

2. Salicylic Acid
3. Isotretinoin
4. Retin-A

How to get rid of acne quickly and naturally it is very attractive for some people, we would be wise tips from the start by means of herbal and changing habits. If it can not be eliminated, go to beauty clinics to implement the drug as a final option. Remains our advice in helping you achieve a clean face is to use natural herbal ingredients as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

* If in case this article useful, please be shared in order to be beneficial for you and your family and the people you care about.

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