Kamis, 18 Februari 2016


I was introduced to Expressions and their range of products and services for the busy ladies in us who wants to achieve both wellness and beauty amidst our busy lives. 
one of  Singapore’s most prominent and established names in the Asian spa and wellness  industry, I cant wait to share and introduce to you guys what I have experienced. So look out for a new series! 
For now, let's talk about how D-E-T-O-X. 
We have heard of the all raved Juices Detox embarked by many, but how about me introducing to you Expressions’ Juicing Detox program?  And NO, you don't have to starve surviving on just juices with no solid food ingestion. 

Relaunched with a face-lift is the SlimJuice. Retaining its winning formula, SlimJuice now presents a more  sophisticated image to complement its users using fresh fruits juice. 

How to consume is easy.
 Simply dissolve the sachet in water and drink it on its own! Tasted amazing with a pleasant fruity fizzy taste I adore. It tastes really good and refreshing which you can finish in one glurp easily.

Perfect for the lazy bums like me!

The juice contains plant extracts, fibers, sweeteners,  vitamins and minerals to help fight fat and ‘kill the kilos’ round the clock for a full 24 hours. SlimJuice contains amazing benefits like aiding burning stored fats, draining away harmful toxin and most importantly appeasing appetite and reducing tendency to snack!

If you like better, take  SlimJuice together with fresh fruits juice for all the necessary nutrients and vitamins which will allow you to easily go through the detox program!
I box contains 14 sachets.

Expressions’ Juicing Detox program works in combination with Wheat Brand & Psyllium to act on the proper clearing of bowels to prevent constipation. Regular detoxification cleanses the user’s intestinal tracts and enables one to eliminate body wastes and  toxins up to two to three times a day, with floating stools indicating a healthy body.

You know, I too had my concerns when it comes to taking capsules for fear of anything harmful to my body or with side effects. However you can be assured that the  Wheat Brand & Psyllium capsules are 100% au-natural with herbs and suitable for vegans too.
1 bottle consists of 90 capsules.

Here's a look at the ingredients list.

What I did for the 3 days detox program: 

Morning: Instead of the usual carbs like bread and cereal I had for breakfast, these were replaced with  8 capsules of wheat bran and 1 hour later followed by 1 SlimJuice sachet dissolved in water ( of course, you may mix with juices too)

Afternoon: Fish soup or Yong Tau Foo Soup with vegetables. Thereafter in the late afternoon, was followed by 1 SlimJuice Sachet again and fruits to snack on,

Evening: was repeated with 1 SlimJuice sachet dissolved in water  & 8 wheat bran capsules. Fruits and salads were taken when I feel hungry.

I was advised by the Expressions' consultant to avoid the following:
Carbs, sweets, fried/oily stuff, nuts, honey, bananas ( too high sugar content), tea/coffee, cold drinks

Food permissible were:
 Low-fat plain yoghurt, milk, fruits with low sugar content such as blueberries, kiwis, apples, guavas, dragon fruits, lean meat such as chicken breast, fish


Firstly it's not the easiest task in the world to just live on with the healthiest cleanest food. With so many temptations around and so much yummies around everywhere you turn, it's definitely not easy to control oneself to stick to the 3 day detox diet.
 If you know I am such a foodie myself that I eat everything and don't usually restrict myself to enjoy good food.  By good, I mean anything with a variety of taste and flavours cooked in all various methods other than steaming/boiling. =D

Nonetheless, I am really glad I stuck it out and played up the 3 days detox program faithfully.

Having just the  wheat bran capsules and SlimJuice in the morning was filling and I did not feel the urge to snack nor feel the huger pangs which I often felt when nearing lunch time. 8 capsules sound scary but no worries, it's really effective.

And the overall results was not only worth it, but I felt a lighter body after the 3 days detox. I was really happy and felt great internally.

Are you ready for my results? 

Here goes:

Weight: 47.9Kg -> 47.3 Kg
BMI: 18.7 -> 18.5
Body Fat: 22.6-> 21.9
( Really happy with this, but now that it's CNY, I wonder how much fat I have put on with all the snackings !)
Muscle Fat 31.2%-> 31.4% ( building muscles is good, so higher the better)
VFA level: 2->2 ( Visceral Fat Area. Relates to how much waist fat circumference there is. It should be as low as possible with 1 being the best)
Rm Keal: 1173-> 1168
Body Age: 18-> 17 ( TADA!! This has to be the happiest news of all. Hahaha. I couldn't be more glad)

Word of Advice during these 3 days detox:
Head straight home after work and don't wander around the shopping centers after work. I don't know about you, but I am always ready to reward myself with a good dinner especially after a day of hard work and the temptation to grab anything delicious ( and unhealthy) is greatly huge!!
 Okay, this is my personal weird tip. :D
Drink lots of water, as always. 
I personally introduced Rolled Oats into my diet during this period and I think that oats are amazing as an alternative towards filing you up and also for its tremendous health benefits for the heart and cholesterol level control. So start eating oats! You can mix instant rolled oats into milk for a fast breakfast fix
Continue exercising!

If you would like to be in control of your weight or simply to detox for a cleaner healthier you, the Expressions’ Juicing Detox program is quite a delight. You will will be able to eat other food during this duration too, unlike juicing detox program which strictly allows only juices.

Once we start to eat clean, not only will our weigh be reduced, we will also get clear complexion and I think that helps greatly as a motivation to cleanse our internal bodies once in a while. In all,  for a better overall health and a stronger immune system.

I know it's not easy to abstain from all the yummies around you, but 3 days passed fairly fast and before you know it, it will be over and you will feel lighter really.

Try out this journey with me, if you:
 want to stay healthy and remove waste from their body.

want to get rid of their body and get rid of extra kilos.

 People who always feel tired and sleepy

 People who need energy throughout the day.

NOW For the deal, if you want to try out this experience, call Expressions and quote my name for a FREE consultation session~

Also from now until the end of March, Quote GIVEME15 to be entitled to 15% off all products @  http://expressions.co . 
Include MY NAME "JIAHUI"  in the comment page when checking out! 

* PPSSST: There is now an on-going Promo for SLIMJUICE too~ Email me if you have any queries! 
Thanks for reading ~~

121 Penang Road #01-02 Regency House
Singapore 238464
6235 9890
10:30 am - 8:30 pm Mon - Fri
10:00 am - 5:30 pm Sat - Sun

Upper Thomson
2 Sin Ming Road #01-06 Sin Ming Plaza
Singapore 575583
6358 1555
10:30 - 8:00 Mon - Fri
10:00 - 5:00 Alternate Sat - Sun

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