Every week I like to share wonderful reads and resources to inspire simplicity, mindfulness and living well on less.
- On getting intentional with Instagram by Fran at The Simplicity Journey. Yes, Instagram niggles me, as I'm not sure I want to share my daily life, and Instagram does require fairly frequent posting which is not always easy when you're working.
- Oh the joys of Dickensian on the BBC. Bless Inspector Bucket! Here's something to dream of, Win a complete set of Charles Dickens published by Vintage Classics. I've entered this competition by Foyles (twice).
- Do you power nap? How to get a good night's sleep by Tamsin Kelly via Prima.
- The beauty of Barbie diversified, Barbie launches three new body types, by Victoria Kingdon via Harper's Bazaar.
- 'Minds change' says Matt Haig, author of Reasons to Stay Alive and this article in The Guardian, As therapy shows, words can be medicine. Read Matt's book if you haven't yet done so. It'll change your mind and help you change others' too.
- Have we fallen out of love with jeans? By Chemmie Squier at The Debrief.
- Fairy lights and flowers: Susannah & Tod's Renovated Portland Flower Cart via Apartment Therapy. Pretty perfect.
It's been a while, I know, so thank you for still reading here. I'm hoping to post these links every Friday or at least once a fortnight. I shall be working (almost) full-time until the end of May so I'm being very mindful to not overdo things in other areas of my life. Reading (see the sidebar list), cooking, exercise and just being are taking priority over blogging at the moment. I hope you understand and thank you for your kind wishes. Having said that, I might pop up with an occasional catch-up post, so please don't strike me off your reading list just yet!
Happy weekending! Claire xo
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