Senin, 25 Januari 2016

winter weekending

This past weekend, a massive blizzard to hit the East Coast…

it was the kind of blizzard that shuts entire cities down

but here in Boston, it was simply an ordinary winter weekend 

Lots of people were snowed in, but Boston got just the right amount of snow….more than usual, but not enough to become a nuisance. It doesn't hurt that the snow plows were going around the clock. 
 Most of our time this weekend was spent XC-skiing. We go most weekday nights and weekend days to make the most of this winter weather. Speaking of winter weather…here's to getting caught in the snow 
After our night time ski session, I treated myself to a hot bath with my snow angel bath melt. My sore muscles were loving the hot water and my dried out skin {winter cold} was loving the moisturizing bath melt. Also, my baths are always accompanied by wine!  

A winter Saturday freshly blanketed in snow, it was all too easy to decide what to do with the day. 
After spending the morning XC skiing, we ran a few errands. The roads weren't horrible, but they weren't great either. I would have thought that less people would be out and about, but I was wrong. Costco was an absolute zoo. We only needed a few things, but it took us almost 2 hours to get out of there. We definitely earned the lunch at Chipotle that we had after. 
We had been missing our Chipotle since this fiasco started shutting down all the Boston locations. As you can see, we're glad they are open again. After Chipotle, Tom and PJ took a nap and I had to snap a few photos because they are the cutest cuddled up together. This is literally how they sleep together every time.  
Meanwhile I did a Target run and made dinner…baked chicken & roasted red potatoes
After dinner, we had a little time to kill. It had been snowing pretty heavily all day at this point so we were doing our happy dance. We strapped on our skis and grabbed PJ and XC-skied down the sidewalk to a clearing we know in front a building. I don't think PJ liked our skis, but he did enjoy running in the snow. 
Then we went to see Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2. Glad we finally got to see it and even better, we had the best theater all to ourselves. You would think that we had never been to the movies before, the way were in there snapping so many selfies. 
But they had the best leather chairs with a button to recline your head and feet. Plus, we had the theater to ourselves. When does that happen? It was like watching a movie at home, except better because the chairs were nicer than the ones in our living room! This is probably what it's like to have a home theater? 

Can you guess what we did? Yep, more XC skiing! 
We are working on becoming more technical, so we decided to take a lesson. With XC skiing being one of the best full-body workouts you can get, we were exhausted after our two hour lesson. My thighs are still burning, but we learned so much and had a ton of fun! 
We also spent a good chunk or our morning replanting the succulents from our wedding
Then, the rest of the day was spent doing more chores around the apartment, like finally taking down our Christmas tree {I still cannot believe that it lived this long}, doing laundry, and baking muffins to have for breakfasts during the week. 
Even with a Blizzard happening outside our door, we made sure to get out and get moving. This is pretty much what every winter weekend looks like for us…
What is your typical weekend include? 

Follow along for more from Making Restorations 

Linking up with BLovedBoston

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