Selasa, 05 Januari 2016

❄Winter in Seoul


So I'll be jetting off to Phuket in 2 hours time, and I thought of doing up an entry cuz I didn't want to leave this space empty for the next couple of days~ Yes, still living up to my 2016 resolution of blogging more often. Lol.

Anyway, 2 weeks back, I travelled alone to Seoul, hoping to spend a White Christmas! Even if it doesn't snow, I thought it'd be nice to spend it somewhere... C O L D??? I really love celebrating X'mas but I just hate X'mas in Singapore, any of you guys feel me? It's so hot and humid, it doesn't even feel Christmas-y. Hahhaa
I like the idea of being all wrapped up in layers, sipping my hot chocolate in the cold weather
This was definitely quite a YOLO trip. I only booked my tickets a week before flying! I had to rush all my work within that week, run errands, dig out all my winter wear, pack the luggage.. ahhh I was so unprepared! 

This was Day 1 in Seoul! I arrived super early at 7am?? Yawnz
Kinda crashed in my room till 2pm before waking up to meet my friends in Korea!

First stop was to Bukchon cuz my friend had other Sg friends too who wanted to visit here~
It's my 3rd time here already lol oh god.
It took me some time to get used to the cold... I couldn't even control my mouth properly while speaking on the 1st day please!
We headed over to Hongdae later in the evening for dinner and drinks. It was only the first day but friends all no give chance, I got so wasted. ;( Soju is such a killer, really.

We headed over to Bau House Dog Cafe! My second time here and I'm still loving it. The dogs are just all so cute!

But omg this white dog was just a terror!! Super hyper and active and pounced on anyone who had treats in their hands!! Just look at how I was being attacked.. LOL.
I love that the dogs here are not smelly at all.. and I really mean NOT SMELLY. Like yknow how dogs always have this weird 'dog smell'?? No idea why there are so many dogs in the cafe but there's just no dog smell.

Then to Garosu-Gil located at Sinsa! Lotsa cafes around along this street!

3CE store!! Luckily not much damage done this time round cuz I bought ALOT during my previous trip in Oct. Like seriously... I bought so many eye-shadows and lip colours, I wonder how many eyes & lips I have.... 
I doubt I can even finish using all of them in the next 5 years.
Everyone needs a lil pink

And to Myeongdong! What a packed Day 2. Hahahahaha

IT'S CHRISTMAS DAY TODAY!!!! Met up with Janelle and had brunch at Itaewon!

We had our brunch at The Flying Pan! Sorry no pics of food... This was really a super chill trip. I didn't snap much pics!!
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And Bingsu for dessert after dinner with Jan! This is from the store 'Sulbing' which you can probably find it everywhere, they have so many branches all around Seoul!

Back home to change before meeting all of our friends again to party!!
AND OMGAWDZ MY PRAYERS WERE HEARD. IT SNOWED. JUST BEFORE CHRISTMAS ENDED!!! Like it started snowing at 11pm-ish for an hour++. SO SO SO HAPPY?!?!?

But then omg I guess cuz it was very cold + my friends wanted to hurry to the club since it was pretty late after our pre-drinks. They just flagged a cab without giving me the chance to snap pics of the snow!!! :( So all I have is this sucky video I saved from my Snapchat. CRIES
Party was crazy as hell. We went to Club Syndrome at Gangnam! Super fun!!!
And I made friends with so many other local Koreans hahahaha

Woke up real late on Day 4 cuz I was too shagged from all the partying. Seriously aging not kidding, I take so long to 'recover' from partying lately. I used to be able to do so much better~~
Anywayz, my friends decided to abandon me on this day damn sad. Okay la not abandon but all of them were busy with their stuff so I didn't want to bother them. Happened to check my messages and saw a few messages from the Korean friends I made last night in the club. Hhahaha so I met one of them up for lunch!
Quite like the above picture but it turned out blur :(

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Jan and I woke up super early cuz it was our last day in Seoul and we wanted to maximise it!
First stop was to Cityhall to ice skate, something that I have been wanting to do for the LONGEST time!!
Anyway lots of people were giving me weird stares that day cuz it was freaking -8°C and I wore like this out! LOL

Yay finally my turn to ice skate! It was super cheap?! Only 1000won ($1.20) for an hour!
Regretted wearing just stockings cuz I fell down twice and my knee bled and bruised so badly :( sobz

And meet Janelle, who accompanied me mostly during this Seoul trip :) She's also the one who snapped most of my photos/OOTDs for me! Thank you so much babe!!!! I won't be able to deal with the loneliness if not for you!! Hugzzz!!
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And to Myeongdong again cuz Jan wanted to try the O'sulloc Tea House so badly! Hahaha
(I think I can prolly do a post on where to eat in Seoul next!!)

And then it was time for me to fly back to Singapore!
It was a fun trip and I look forward to my next Seoul trip!! Don't think it will be anytime soon since I just visited Seoul twice in 3 months.... But ahhhh I really love this city so much! The food, the endless cosmetics + beauty shops, the vibes... Can't wait for the next already!

Till then,

Ps: Follow me on IG (@shennyyang) if you haven't already, I'll update everyday on Phuket & BKK over there k?

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Related : ❄Winter in Seoul

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