Minggu, 31 Januari 2016

SHARING A BEAUTIFUL AD: Love of a Lifetime, Care for a Lifetime

GOOD DAY to you on the 1st DAY of FEB 2016! 

We are already in the 2nd month of the year. Have you made plans for the year or done things to make this year right? 

I was surfing through the Youtube videos and going about my own business when an Ad popped up and out came an oldies tune by Teresa Teng followed by a familiar face on screen- Mediacorp veteran actress Li YinZhu. So I watched the whole ad.

And I was touched to tears. No Joke.

Would you have known what policy this ad was "selling" if not for the captions?
The song in the ad is Teresa Teng's  恰似你的溫柔   

Qià Sì Ni De Wen Róu

Would you have guessed?

This ad can almost pass off for a scene in the movies. Applauding the director and the refreshing, creative approach in captivating the locals to pay attention to the MediShield Life policy, This ad is already streamed on mainstream TV channels~

 Pioneer Generation Package: https://www.pioneers.sg

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Related : SHARING A BEAUTIFUL AD: Love of a Lifetime, Care for a Lifetime

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