If you visit Ketep Pass magelang should be stopped by the waterfall attraction Kedung Kayang. Niagara Kedung Kayang located in Pabelan River flow coming from two mountain is Mount Merbabu and Mount Merapi. Located at an altitude of 950 above sea level, waterfalls Kedung Kayang located in the border district of Magelang and Boyolali, among Wonolelo Village, Sawangan, Magelang district and village Klakah, Selo, Boyolali district.
There are many facilities that you can meet, among others, food vendors, lodging, campsite. In addition for those of you who like adventure, this place is also very suitable for the chosen, because access to waterfall we have to pass through various obstacles and had to walk quite a distance from the parking area.
You can enjoy the cool atmosphere and fresh waterfall Kedung Kayang this. Not only that, the visitors can also see the waterfall from the three view is from the top of the waterfall, next to a waterfall and from under the waterfall.
In Kedung Kayang there is also a resting place for visitors who want to relax with a cool atmosphere accompanied by the soothing sound of a waterfall. Visitors can also enjoy the beauty of the natural flow of the river with clear water and enjoy the thrill of playing in the water under the waterfall.
In addition to the water traveled tejun, behind Niagara contained Goa ± 2 m width and height of ± 2.5 m with infinite length (unknowable) because there is no end. if anyone wants to look into the cave, must be entered first in the waterfall kedung Kayang then rose about 1.5 m behind the waterfall. For those of you nature lovers, Niagara Kedung Kayang highly recommended as a tourist destination that must be visited when passing through the area of the tourist track Solo-Selo-Borobudur. I hope your holiday fun.....
Here is the map that you can visit, i hope you really enjoy the best place in indonesia, the best destination in indonesia, the best trip for traveler and the best for your vacation and holiday in indonesia.
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