Last Tuesday for the year 2015 before we move on to a new year in 2016~ How are you preapring for a brand new start?
My dearie brought back some exquisite Limited Edition TIM TAM treats from Australia and since they look so pretty ( and taste amazing too), I decided to do a little flatlay with these traditional yummies! A google search fired up some interesting facts about these well-loved biscuits.
Launched in Feb 1964, it was reported that one in every two Australian household has a packet of Tim Tams and they consumed a whopping 50 million packets per year!
Here are the special flavors not found in Singapore ( not yet, anyway).
They are: Red Velvet, Salted Caramel and Peanut Butter. Look pretty right? :)
Goes well with a cup of coffee or tea for your daily snacks. Guess we would never be sick of Tim Tams!
**You do know Tim Tams sold in Singapore can either be made in Australia or from Malaysia/Indonesia right? Those sold in supermarkets are mostly from Australia while those found in Value Dollars Shop and are sold rather cheaply for SGD 1 or 2 dollars are mostly not the authentic ones.
Happy munching and remember to buy back bundles whenever you are in Australia!
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