Sabtu, 26 Desember 2015

The leading tourist attractions in Karanganyar, Central Java

The leading tourist attractions in Karanganyar, Central Java, the most beautiful tourist attractions-Karanganyar Regency is a municipality in the province of Central Java. Karanganyar Regency became famous in Indonesia because as the "city of Jemani". Yes, in the past at a time when the fever jemani, Karanganyar Regency is one of the producers of good quality jemani. In addition to the Jemani surely also developed an awful lot of ornamental plants there as anthurium, a wave of love, adenium, etc.

The climatic conditions in the Karanganyar Regency in the slopes of Mount Lawu, is indeed very suitable for ornamental plants and fruit and vegetable plants or horticulture. Until recently, ornamental plant is still used as one of the leading commodities in Karanganyar, however its popularity is not like it used to. Travellers Grojogan Sewu to still buy ornamental plants as a gift of the family at home.

Location of Karanganyar Regency is 14 km east of Surakarta or Solo. Thus tourism in Karanganyar couldn't be released from tourism in the city of Solo. Many package tours offering tour packages in Solo city and surrounding areas. Usually some places wsiata in karanganyar also included in package tours Solo city in

If the Sundanese people call waterfall with curug, then people might call Java Word grojogan. In Karanganyar, there is a very famous tourist spots i.e. Grojogan Sewu. Grojogan Sewu mountain located in the slopes of Mount Lawu or precisely located at Kalisoro, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar. Tourist attractions it is the Grojogan Sewu flagship attractions and very famous in karanganyar Regency. It makes this wsiata place is visited by many tourists from various regions in Indonesia. The location of the tourist area is very cool because it is located on the slopes of surrounding mountains still covered by dense forest. In the woods surrounding the Grojogan Sewu in Tawangmangu is there are many monkeys living in the wild. APE-ape ape-like other apes, often snatch bags default tourists. Therefore you have to be careful when visiting tourist attractions Grojogan Sewu. To get to the waterfall, visitors must travel with down stairs as much as 1250 fruit. Quite tiring for those of you who are unfamiliar, but a sense of tired it seems to disappear after viewing the scenery a very riveting Grojogan Sewu.

Not far from the location of tourist parking Grojogan Sewu is a very nice Park for tours with the family. The Park named Taman Ria Balekambang. Attractions in this area of Tawangmangu more visited by local tourists, especially those who want to spend a holiday weekend. Here you can enjoy the fresh air of mountain and enjoy a range of facilities, such as swimming pools, tennis courts, a workshop of Painting and others. You need to know in the Tawangmangu area there is also a wide variety of hotels and villas you can rent for a holiday with family or friends. Yes, it may be almost similar to that at the height of the Bogor lah. This area is always crowded on Sundays.

Where was the second President of Indonesia Suharto buried? Did you know? It seems like not many know if Second President Soeharto was buried in Karanganyar Regency, unless they are really mengidolakannya. This is the tomb of President Suharto's family cemetery named Astana Giribangun. Astana Giribangun was built on a hill that is located in Karang Bangun, Kecamatan Matesih Karanganyar Regency of Central Java. Before Mr. Suharto's death, this place has been used for the funeral of the mother of Tin Suharto, along with some of his family have already died as well. The current tomb of Mr. Suharto is widely visited by residents who wanted to commemorate the merits he was in building a nation of Indonesia.

Attractions in Karanganyar Regency is Cetho Temple. Cetho Temple is a Hindu temple located in the hamlet of Ceto, village Gumeng, District Jenawi Karanganyar Regency. According to history, the Temple is a temple of majapahit relics. In the complex there are also remains of Ki Ageng Krincingwesi which is the ancestral Village Cetho. What is the uniqueness of this Temple in Karanganyar? Cetho Temple has its own uniqueness which does not exist in other temples, i.e. There is a sculpture in the form of kalacakra or male genitalia. In addition to this temple was built on land which is cascading. There are eleven terraces each terrace has a uniqueness in its own building.

Not far from the Temple, tourism there are other attractions are not less unique than Temple, namely Sukuh Temple. Sukuh Temple is in Berjo village, Ngargoyoso subdistrict, located not far from the Temple. As is the case in the Cetho Temple, in Sukuh Temple is also there are many flavorful erotic sculptures. But according to some literature of the statues have meaning as a symbol of fertility. There are unique in Candi Sukuh, the structure of the building is the temple turns out to be not the same as other temples in Indonesia. Even the structure of the Candi Sukuh is more akin to building the Mayans in Mexico or the Incas in Peru. Curious isn't it, let's visit the Karanganyar, Central Java

The leading tourist attractions in karanganyar Regency of Central Java is in the form of tea plantation Kemuning. For the citizens of Solo and surrounding areas, if you want to enjoy the beauty of tea plantation, then do not have to go to the top of Bogor, because their neighbors in karanganyar Regency, there is a tea plantation with a view that is not less than memukaunya the peak of Bogor. This tea plantation known as Kemuning tea plantation. Here visitors can enjoy the beauty of the green tea plantation with the cool air. In addition in this place can serve as a hobby to aero sport paragliding at the Venues of the Hill Paragliding Ds. Segoro Mount Kemuning Karanganyar. The location is indeed on the slopes of Mount Lawu mountain air so that characterizes this area. The path taken to Plantation Kemuning is in line with the line taken in wanting to Sukuh Temple, and the Jumog waterfall

Not far from the town of Karanganyar, there is a sugar factory that is still in the shadow of PTPN XIV IX central Javanese sugar factory Tasikmadu. This sugar factory is one of the relics of the factory age Balanda. Currently the management of PTPN XIV IX opened the agro tourism around Tasikmadu sugar factory which was used for family excursions around Karanganyar namely agro tourism Sondoloro. In this area you can enjoy a variety of games facilities provided e.g. waterboom flying fox, and other playground. In addition, you can surround the tourist area of old train using a very unique and antique. This is certainly able to make its own experience for you and your family members.

If people know the rafting in Karanganyar, you can do the tubing. River Tubing or commonly abbreviated with the tubing is down the River using tyres. Equipment that is used as a standard of safety is almost the same with the rafting is by using a helmet and vest. Tubing in Karanganyar game set in Banyu Bening Arena in the village of Punthukrejo sub-district of Ngargoyoso Karanganyar. This tubing is very fun activity especially is performed with the troupe. Usually groups of these can be family, friends or friends sekantor campus. Along the route of the river is this participants can enjoy the chill of clear river water and rocks typical of the mountains. The scenery around the river is also very amazing.

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