Selasa, 22 Desember 2015

{Not so} Ugly Sweater: 3 Ways

Blogmas Day 22 
Because there are still a few days left to wear those ugly Christmas sweaters, I thought mine deserved it's own feature. I picked this beauty up for a mere $13 last month. I expected it to be a gag sweater that I'd wear once or twice. What I didn't expect is that it would become something that I would totally fall in love with and be wearing non-stop. Here are just 3 of the many ways I've been wearing my {not so} ugly Christmas sweater this season. 
Tis the Season 
I wore this sweater for the first time here during Black Friday shopping. Loved having something to cheer me up and warm me up while fending off the holiday crowds. 

At the Christmas Tree Farm 
Can't think of a better place to wear a holiday sweater than a Christmas tree farm! We loved cutting down our own tree this year and thanks to this outfit, I was the most festive one there. 

For a Holiday Date 
Husband loves this sweater as much as I do and suggested that I wear it for a holiday date. What better way to end the 12 dates of Christmas than wearing a holiday sweater while enjoying Christmastime in the City! 

Do you have a ugly Christmas sweater or a fun holiday piece you enjoy wearing? 
I'd love to hear about it. 

Linking up with wednesdaywearables//

Follow along with Blogmas to see more holiday fun everyday this month

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