Selasa, 22 Desember 2015

List of provinces in Indonesia

Republic of Indonesia is a unitary republic consisting of 34 provinces. The province is the most common administrative divisions in Indonesia, and has a number of autonomous powers under the 1945 amendment. Each province has the respective governments, headed by a governor. Provincial People's Representative Council acts as a legislative body at this level. At the national level, each province has four representatives in the Regional Representatives Council, which elected through general elections.

From the 34th of this province, West Java has the largest population with an estimated 43 million people, while North Borneo has a population of at least 600 thousand people. Papua has the largest area, covering 319.036 square kilometers, while the Jakarta Special Capital Region is the most narrow to 664 square kilometers. Instead, the most populous province is Jakarta, with 12.786 people / square kilometer; while the most rare population are in Papua, with 8 people / square kilometer.

Province in indonesia

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