Selasa, 29 Desember 2015


I can fitness whole pizza in my mouth! But really, the past few weeks have been more about celebrating and less about fitness. Sure, I went out for a short rainy run on Christmas Eve and a 2 mile run on Christmas Day.

A photo posted by Jenn (@atravelingwife) on

Now I'm planning out my 2016 goals and reminders. I also think it's now appropriate to remember where this year has taken me. Follow me on my fitness journey throughout 2015.

Running Through A Haunted Town

How To Stay Motivated During Fall And Winter
I shared three very fun and inspiring ways to stay motivated during the hardest times of the year - when the weather isn't in out favor.
Click to tweet: Tips for staying motivated during Fall & Winter. 

DIY Sanitizing Wipes

How To Run [or workout] Confidently Outside
I used to be so embarrassed to run outside or workout in public. Here I shared my tips so you too can workout confidently.
Click to tweet: Fake it 'til you make it - become a confident runner.
How To Eat Healthy While Being A Runner 
While I am no dietician, I think we all can agree that shopping the exterior of the grocery store is ideal. There are some other very useful ideas for choosing to eat a healthier lifestyle in that post as well.

Runners Should Not Eat Whatever They Want
Because let's face it, that beer and pizza will not make you run faster!

Running Streak - 50 Days
Running Streak - 20 Days
Running Streak - 10 Days
Because streaking is AWESOME!
Click to tweet: Let's go streaking! 
Why You Should Limit Your Fruit Intake 

Five Ingredients To A Healthy Lifestyle

Fitness Inspiration
Your don't have to pay to get a good workout in.
Click to tweet: Fitness round-up 2015.
Where has your fitness journey taken you this year?

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Related : FITNESS 2015

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