Selasa, 01 Desember 2015


Blogmas Day 1
You guys, it's finally December! 
Something I literally wait for all year round. I've been playing Christmas music since August and I started shopping for the holidays in October (no shame). Now that December has begun, it is 100% acceptable to be a fa la la-ing, ugly Christmas sweater wearing, spiked eggnog drinking, sleigh bell ringer in public. Well maybe not completely acceptable, a little obnoxious even, but I don't care. I am so ready for the Holiday Season and I'm celebrating by participating in Blogmas again this year. That means lots of writing and photo editing too in between all of this months' festivities because I will be posting everyday this month.
I'm normally a quality over quantity kind of girl when it comes to this blog, but I just have way too much holiday cheer to spread. Husband on the other hand thinks Blogmas is a bit stressful. And I'm assuming that has to do with my complete lack of organization last year. So who could blame the guy for being a little anti-Blogmas. But I say go ba-humbug somewhere else because it's happening. Only this time, I've got my act together. So every day this month, you can expect a new Holiday Post from me…with everything from recipes to decor to holiday style and traditions. To get things started off on a good note, here are some of my favorites from Blogmas Past.

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