Jumat, 11 Desember 2015

A Paint Nite Date Night

Blogmas Day 11
Earlier this week, Husband took me on a fun holiday date night to a Paint Nite. And can I just say he is amazing! Not amazing at painting, he was actually pretty bad at that. But he is amazing for planning and arranging this whole thing. I didn't make any suggestions or drop any hints. He just thought it would be something I might like and planned it all by himself. He even found a Groupon for it! I've really got a winner here. 
Apparently, Tom picked this particular class because I like to craft and I like to drink wine. This is one occasion where being a total wino paid off. Normally people chose to paint a canvas, but we attended as a couple, and it really wouldn't make sense for us to have 2 of the exact same painting hanging in our apartment! But you can never have too many wine glasses! 

I ordered a pomegranate cider cocktail and Husband of course got beer. Then we settled in for the next 3 hours to paint snow, birch trees, and cardinals onto our wine glasses! 
Husband was so sweet and focused the whole time. But as his wife, even I can admit that  painting just isn't his strong suite. Regardless, I love him for trying and for planning a date that I would enjoy. 
He's just sweet that way. 
Another perk of painting wine glasses is that these would make great gifts! Aside from hosting canvas paintings, there are currently options for gingerbread house decorating and ornament making. We may just have to go back some time soon. But in the meantime, I am so grateful for this fun holiday date. Things are a bit hectic right now and I love that we are still carving out time to spend together. 

Follow along with Blogmas to see more holiday fun everyday this month

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