Every week I like to share wonderful reads and resources to inspire simplicity, mindfulness and living well on less.
- It's Okay to Buy Stuff, but Please Don't Buy the Hype by David Friedlander via Life Edited. Behind the mask of a perfectly edited Instagram feed.
- From The Socialite Family, this Berlin apartment has a great weekend vibe.
- A positive list of tips always motivates me: Small Things That Can Make You Happier by Laura at Laura Thinks About.
- Also from Life Edited, tiny house love: MUJI's Tiny Houses Show Off Huge Style.
- From Nourishing Minimalism some simple gift ideas to avoid plastic toy excess if you're buying for little ones this Christmas.
- Dalai Lama: Humans Created Terrorism, So Stop Praying To God For A Solution.
With these, have a peaceful weekend xo
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