Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

Happy Links

Each week I like to share wonderful resources and reads to inspire simplicity, mindfulness and living well on less.

  • 50 Things to Be Thankful for Every Day by Kori McClaine via The Huffington Post. I like numbers 21, 25 and 50. What are your favourites?
  • What does it feel like to give up your job, home and start an alternative life? Yasmine Phillips relates the highs and lows to Becky Barnicoat in, I gave it all up... to live off the land via The Guardian.
  • Technology is not ruining our kids. Parents (and their technology) are ruining them by Jenny Anderson via Quartz. This link appeared on Becoming Minimalist last weekend and it's so good it deserves a second plug. It made me aware of the importance of leading by example in my technology habits.
  • Stop Trying to Follow Your Passion by Kali Hawlk. I like Kali's advice to listen to our 'softly beckoning voice... because there won't always be a lightbulb moment.'
  • I love Sarah Henshaw's book barge, blog and book (The Bookshop That Floated Away) and I've been thinking of posting a link about her. Then I discovered her boat was featured last week on George Clarke's Amazing Spaces on Channel 4. Find a tour of her charming narrowboat on Series 5: Episode 4 - about 17:30 minutes in, or watch the whole episode (title: Hearse campervan and bathing machine).

And finally, I was contacted this week by a television producer, Edd Buckley, who's currently developing a new documentary idea about frugal spenders. The production company is called Boundless, part of FremantleMedia UK. They make a variety of documentaries and factual television programmes including The Truth About Your Medicine Cabinet (BBC One), An Hour to Save Your Life (BBC Two) and Grand Designs (Channel 4). 

Here's more information and contact details:
I am looking to speak to those who are extremely thrifty with their money. I’m after people who limit what they spend and sacrifice buying luxuries because of this. Perhaps they stock up when items are discounted, or are experts in reusing and recycling things so as to not to waste money. As this idea is currently only in development, at this stage I’m just looking to speak with people and potentially film non-broadcast interviews to pitch the idea to the channel executives. 
If you are interested email: EddBuckley@boundlessproductions.tv

Many thanks, enjoy the links and have a great weekend.

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