Kamis, 22 Oktober 2015

Happy Holiday Links

Each week I like to share wonderful resources and reads to inspire simplicity, mindfulness and living well on less.

  • Nigella is back! From The Pool some insights into Nigella's food philosophy of balance and enjoyment, "No one should be put on this earth to go on a diet." This article is based on an interview published in Good Housekeeping magazine. There's more Nigella over at The Telegraph. Doesn't she look great in jeans and a checked shirt!
  • If it's balance you're looking for, this post is helpful, 5 signs you are out of balance from LJ at Whole Life Productivity.
  • Something for the weekend or half-term, Seven card games for a pizza and games night from The Simple Things. We'll be playing Eights next week.
  • One from The Minimalist's archives. I read this essay for the first time this week and I think their idea of should vs. must is very useful, How To Make A Damn Decision.
  • This sounds tasty, Cheddar cheese soup from Happening upon Happiness. I could so easily write a soup blog
  • A colourful and simple home, Polly & Dai's Happy Cornwall Cottage Home from Apartment Therapy's Greatest Hits. Because we're going to Cornwall next week and because it's too good to not share...
  • The good people at Unstuck tipped me off with this link to a brilliant PDF resource: 40 Uncomfortable Moments and How to deal with Them. It's easy to download and worth saving or printing for when you feel stuck in a situation, whether it's someone else's bad behaviour or how to respond to a sensitive topic such as hearing that someone's died or is seriously ill. It's all about making life just a little less uncomfortable. There's a sneak preview at the bottom of this post.


we're heading down to Far West Cornwall for a week's R & R. It's going to be just the two of us - our first full holiday without children for twenty years! So, I'll be taking a short blogging break but I'll be back in November with more happy links and A Year of Less Spending updates. And many photos of Cornwall in its autumn beauty.

Take care, lovely readers. Photo credit - our lovely friend and best man who often holidays at Mousehole xo

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