Thank you to Balance Bar and Walmart for providing me with a gift card to purchase items for this post.
Sometimes I feel like I am juggling - juggling each day to take care of the house, chores, work on this blog, fuel for my body, and getting exercise in. There are only so many hours in the day and the to-do list only seems to get longer. I find that there is a fine line to losing yourself in the day-to-day grind and finding the perfect balance.
Click to tweet: Follow these five steps to finding your balance.Cut back. Cut back on chores, responsibilities, certain foods, and commitments. By trimming out all these extras, there is time to focus on you and your needs. I know I love to-do lists but do I really need to get everything done in one day? Usually not, so cutting back on the things I need done now allows me to focus my energy elsewhere.
Also, don't worry about letting people down by saying no to commitments. When you are stressed and overwhelmed, it will show in your emotions and actions.
Meditate. Whether this be sitting with a quiet mind for 5 minutes, or reading a book, or exercising, just clear your mind to help boost creativity. Don't beat yourself up repeating your to-do list over and over again in your head. Let the mind be still for just a moment to reserve your energy for another task.
Eat good fuel. I love my carbs. I do, but they just don't always offer me the best fuel to keep me going all day. Some of my favorite energy packed snacks are nuts, fruit, veggies, and protein rich foods. While working towards your balance, it's nice to have easy-to-grab snacks ready like the Balance bare bars at Walmart. You don't have to think or cook if you keep Balance bare bars by your side. Again, reserving this extra energy to be used elsewhere.
Disconnect. Turn off the computer, phone, tv, or anything that is distracting. Multitasking is fun but I often get distracted.
Be active. It sounds counterproductive to put your energy towards being active if energy is needed for other tasks. Honestly, I find myself getting into a slump when I sit all day at my computer. If I am able to break up my day by incorporating a walk, run, or other activity, I have much more energy to keep me going throughout the day. The endorphins must play into this. There are tons of quick and easy workout moves all over the web to help give you ideas.
Now because I think these bars are great and I think you are pretty cool, here's a fun little giveaway. One way to balance your budget is to receive free stuff!!
If you don't win, you can always just go to Walmart to purchase these yourself. Right now they have a 4+1 value on the bars and $1 coupon inside.
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