Jumat, 08 Mei 2015

#DadBod, Food, and Shenanigans

Happy Friday! This week has been an interesting week with A being out of town for work and with us still adjusting to our new home on the East Coast. Just because it's been interesting doesn't mean it hasn't been wonderful. Plus it's Friday everybody. Let's party!

This is how my week has gone...

Sun: The view above and the view below... Now words. They are my life and I couldn't be more elated. We have only been in Maryland for 30 days and it appears we are adjusting just well. One house and park pass later, we are residents!

Food: I mean, what is there not to like about food? I signed up for a Graze box subscription and have been loving the single portion snacks. These are snacks I would not otherwise buy for myself because, let's face it, I would eat a few portions then the bag would be missing in my pantry. Who else has a disaster of a pantry? I can't be alone.

And when your hubby is traveling for work, it is completely acceptable to eat an entire box of Kraft mac 'n cheese. Then drown your sorrows in a glass of wine. Living in a new home can be scary, but when you are alone it is 100 times worse.

Shopping: Flea market shopping might be one of the best things ever. Especially when you find this little lady marked at $40 and you get her for $25. A has mad skills. Really mad skillz!

Reading: #dadbod  If you haven't read this yet, it is a must. Then search #dadbod on Twitter and laugh. You are so very welcome!

What are your favorites from this week, or from today?
Shameless plug - Did you know a traveling Wife is on Facebook? I don't have any Likes yet. If you feel compelled to hope over and see, I would love the support!

* PS - you can get your 1st and 5th Graze box FREE. Just use code CGVRL749B (thanks for your support)

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