Senin, 20 April 2015

Minimalist Monday: A Morning Post

This morning I've been lucky enough to be at home for a few hours before teaching this afternoon. I don't routinely work Mondays unless I'm called in for supply work at the school I now work at. Working a half day gives me less time for myself but I probably use the time more productively. This morning I've

  • cleared up the kitchen after having family round yesterday
  • made lunches for myself, my husband and son
  • hung out a load of washing to dry outside
  • ironed 1 pair of jeans, 3 t-shirts and 1 pair of shorts (the ironing basket is now empty)
  • decluttered my school bag
  • read through this afternoon's lesson plan and made sure I've got everything ready
  • had a chat over coffee with my husband who works from home
  • read a few new blog posts including my regular Monday morning Real Life Minimalists

I should be able to leave work on time this afternoon as it's a practical lesson. Home in time to fetch in the washing, drop my son off for a piano lesson and visit my mum for a cup of tea before picking him up again half an hour later. Then it's home to get tea ready (left-overs from our entertaining yesterday). 

This evening my plan is to organise and box up our remaining CDs to sell via musicMagpie. I shall read this evening, check my school work for tomorrow and maybe watch something on TV. 

No need to write a blog post this evening as it's already done. 

Just an ordinary Monday but very different to the frantic Mondays I used to have just a few years ago. Life is still busy but more enjoyable than when I worked full-time. I've come a long way, feel grateful for all the changes in my life and the slower pace I have every day. Right I'm off to work now.

Have a good week xo


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