Senin, 06 April 2015

Minimalist Monday: Hair by Claire

I've always loved experimenting with my hair. Nothing outrageous you understand but I love the excitement of a new look. As a teenager a visit to the hairdressers was, for me, full of happy anticipation, like being in an episode of Mr. Benn and not knowing which adventure the magic changing room door would lead me to. Home perms, the Purdey and my attempt at the Bananarama look were all great fun at the time though hilarious to look back on now. I never really got the hang of hair accessories though, especially scrunchies.  

I've spent quite a lot of my hard earned money on my hair over the years. Ridiculous amounts of money really especially when I had a pixie cut that needed expensive trims every 4 or 5 weeks. Still, such short hair saved me valuable time when I was working full-time with 2 young children. 

I have until recently valued spending money on my hair and have seen it as a treat and a necessity to stay looking and feeling presentable. Since last August, though, I've felt the need to simplify my hair. To spend less time and money on my hair and less chemicals. To work towards a style that's classic and doesn't need frequent salon visits to maintain. To question the cost of beauty on my purse and the environment.

So I've been experimenting with shampooing less often, using natural hair products and ditching home hair dye. As a result of my no-poo (no shampoo) experiment last autumn I now only use organic shampoo but I still use shampoo several times a week (and the occasional egg). The truth is I missed the swish of a freshly shampooed head of hair too much to forgo shampoo completely. Maybe I'll give the experiment another go in the summer.

My natural hair colour is coming through as you can see from these photos. I have the odd panic when I catch sight of my hair under a really bright light but generally I'm OK with my 'new' older colour and so is my husband.

And to get to the point of this post here are some photos of my first attempt at cutting my own hair. It's not perfect but I'm pleased with the results. I only trimmed the ends as I'm trying to grow out the shorter layers. If you want to know how I cut it please check the links I gave in last Friday's links post.

As this is a random post I'll leave you with a few of my random thoughts. 

When I doodle I doodle hair styles.

I've always coveted a hairdresser's black wardrobe even before my interest in minimalism. 

And these days I follow Mr. Benn on Twitter. 

Have a great week xo

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