Not every Sunday, but most Sundays, you can find me
in the 9:30am English mass at Saigon Notre-Dame Cathedral.
The official name is
Basilica of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
and for many, this is the soul of Saigon.
If you travel to Ho Chi Minh City, you will most likely
find it on your list of "must see" attractions.
The cathedral was designed
by the French architect Jules Bourard
and constructed between 1863-1870.
It is a space and place
with a beauty of it's own.
It is just as interesting to observe life
around the cathedral as it is to observe from within.
Hang about any day of the week
and you are sure to see couples
posing alongside the cathedral
for wedding photos.
The photos are a planned event.
The wedding follows on another occasion,
allowing the bride and groom to share photos on the day.
Tourists flock to see the cathedral
and the statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
standing in a garden outside of the cathedral.
In 2005, the statue was reported to have shed tears,
creating pandemonium on the surrounding streets.
The "tear" was said to have flowed down the right
cheek of the statues face. The incident was
dismissed by the Catholic Church in Vietnam
and that was the end of that.
Still...if you visit,
you might want to check...just in case.
While you are there...look around
for those hidden gems.
When life happens quietly and patiently.
If you are lucky....while taking in the mass and
wonderful music that accompanies it,
you just might find yourself behind
a budding Michelangelo.
From me to you, a glimpse inside and out
of the Saigon Notre-Dame Cathedral.
The soul of Saigon.
Photos taken by me, inside and out
of the Saigon Notre-Dame Cathedral.
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Jeanne Henriques
Jeanne Henriques
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