Kamis, 12 Maret 2015

Kdrama Kisses that Didn't Disappoint Part 2

I just like this .gif but it's not a KDrama kiss so it doesn't make the list, Sowwy! But . . . But its adorable!
Hello, Aunnie (and Firnlambe) here and I'm back after a long hiatus (blog later) with Part 2 of my "KDrama Kisses that Didn't Disappoint". My first installment featured kisses from the ever popular KDarmas My Love From Another Star, Heirs, Gu Family Book and more. Read More to find out which kisses left their audience wanting more.


First up is I Hear Your Voice wherein Lee Jong Suk proved that he wasn't simply a pretty face on a good luck streak. This drama pulled on almost every emotion you can imagine and the audience wasn't disappointed. The chemistry he had with his leading lady, Lee Bo Young, was simply great.

Yeah . . . this was probably the first drama I hesitated on even starting. And that was because Aunnie raved so much about it lol I do have to agree though that this couple had great chemistry.


Technically this isn't a Korean Drama bbbuuuuttttt I don't like splitting hairs. Yup, this one belongs to the Taiwanese drama Just You. This on-screen couple created such a stir with their acting that when Aaron starred in his new role in "Fall In Love With Me", his fans protested stating they didn't want to see him with anyone else other than Puff. And if this isn't enough to prove to you how good their chemistry was, well then....there's no hope for you.

I loved this drama right from the beginning. And this kiss in particular was so worth all the suffering they had to endure the entire drama


This next type of kiss takes a lot of coordination--the "We're Fighting" kiss. I mean, if you don't do it right you could end up bopping noses and the teeth could collide but Jung Il Woo and Lee Chung Ah pulled it off. Very well. And I'm not even going to try and pretend like Il Woo's little thumb ring wasn't sexy as well--let's be serious. This drama showed me that even the younger guys have moves that can surprise their Noonas.

I don't care what people think . . . I loved this drama, and this couple had exceptional chemistry. Butterflies flutter even after you've seen the kiss a few times.


Another kiss under the "Nailed It" column is this little charmer in Lie To Me. There is a time and a place for pent up, romantic angst and Lie To Me pulled it off with a sense of flair when they cast Yoon Eun Hye and Kang Ji Hwan. There were many priceless scenes--including a scene where our leading man tried to out-drink the leading lady's father (which was hysterical, I might add)--which included a spontaneous kiss between two people who were suppose to be faking romance. Doesn't seem so fake to me...


Speaking of pent up, romantic angst, we all remember Dream High right? This was a drama I marathoned (mostly) in one sitting. This last parting scene between two of our leading characters was heartbreaking and gratifying in the sense that it brought closure. This kiss almost didn't make the list but much like "Flower Boy Next Door"'s kiss scene in my last installment of "Kdrama Kisses That Didn't Disappoint", this kiss isn't intense, it isn't passionate or fiery but when it happened it was like the audience all took a deep sigh.

Most of the audience

The audience who wasn't squarely standing in the Rejected Taecyeon Corner, that is!

And to cap off our list of "desperate kisses" there is this little charmer from The Greatest Love. Cha Seung Won and Gong Hyo Jin did a marvelous job in being on the opposite ends of the Hallyuverse but eventually finding middle ground. Plus, you gotta give it to a man who climbs out of his car window rather than just getting out of the car to achieve a kiss. I just hope the locks on that car isn't the kind that stick up on the door otherwise, ouch . . . talk about "no pain, no gain"!


I'm going to end this blog with this kiss. This kiss...beats all kisses in Part 2 because it meant so much to the characters and to the story. This isn't even the first kiss the characters shared but after fifteen episodes, it was a kiss we anticipated. Yes, I'm talking about the Store-Front Kiss from Nice Guy. Joong Ki and Moon Chae Won had a chemistry like you wouldn't believe and all the kisses they'd shared prior to this point in the drama were either done in anger, vengeance, or manipulation. But this was the first kiss that was given with love and I love how it even took Kang Maru (Joong Ki) by surprise even though he was the one who initiated it.

That's it's for this installment, however, there have been plenty of dramas that have aired recently with plenty of good kisses so expect a Part 3 sometime soon! 

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