Selasa, 31 Maret 2015

Hello April~

How did the past 3 months even flew past just like this.....
Anyway, I was dying to visit either Korea or Japan to see the Cherry Blossoms. I haven't seen one in real life before so I'm just damn intrigued by all the pictures I have seen over the years. H and I were planning to visit Korea initially... but plans were put on hold after the rather stupid me bought tickets to BKK (we went last week). Hahahaha that kinda hindered the whole 'Cherry Blossom' trip cuz I can't be so selfish to ask him to take more off days just to travel with me right :(
Ohwell, like he said. I am still young and there's always a next time :)

April is H's birthday month too. It's gonna be a good one :)
Have a great April to all of you guys too!

I'm currently working on 2 posts so give me some time while I draft those out!
In the mean time, here's some pictures of the past week:







To sit down
Without my tummy hanging out

To wake up
And not miss you

To dream
With dry pillows

To have standards
Higher than my heels

To be loved
As I am

So proud of my friend, Su Ann who's publishing her very own book called 'Equatorial Sunshine'; a collection of poems on life, love and loss in this country.
It's a very girl, age 18+ content book with quirky illustrations.

Give Su your support at her new book launch!

11 April 2015, Saturday
Venue: Books & Cranny (Esplanade)
Time: 8pm-9pm


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