Jumat, 30 Januari 2015

Skimming Stones

Hello. Some very sad news: my lovely dad passed away very peacefully on Tuesday evening, with us by his side. For some occasions in life there are no words but I have written a few - every one of them for Dad. Thank you for every kind wish, prayer and message recently. Claire xo

Why did I fear the end when,
In the end, you 
Were deftly lifted to somewhere 
Just a hum away. 

As illness washed-out your bones
Words of comfort splashed
The room like skimming stones 
Bouncing on water.
I squeezed your hand and your 
Love squeezed back.
Like father, like daughter. 

Why did I fear the end when,
In the end, you
Landed softly on eternity's sand 
Where waves lap lazily and
Time stands

Always look forward, you said.
I will look forward, do not fear, 
And watch for ripples 
As you skim stones from Heaven's shore.

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