Sabtu, 17 Januari 2015

Sambisari Temple Tourism

Sambisari Temple Tourism

This temple housed in Kalasan, Sleman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. After being buried for hundreds of years, the first slab was found in 1966. It took 21 years to excavate and assemble hundreds of pieces of "puzzle" of stone that before Sambisari successfully reconstructed.

Nothing strange feeling that descend Karyowinangun on a morning in 1966. But a rare occurrence happened in the fields at the time, when you're swinging the spade into the ground. Hoe who swung to the ground hitting a boulder after having seen carved on its surface. Karyowinangun and local people were amazed by the presence of the boulder.

Department of archaeological findings was aware of any imminent and further stipulates rice acreage Karyowinangun as ancient asylum. Found carved stone was supposed to be part of the temple which may be buried under paddy fields. Excavation finally made up to find hundreds of other boulders along the ancient statues. And really, the stones were indeed a component of a temple.

Hose 21 years later, finally able to enjoy the beauty of the temple. Building a temple named Sambisari it stands majestically in Sambisari, Purwomartani, Kalasan, Sleman, 10 kilometers from the city center. You can reach by driving through road traffic Yogya-Solo to find a signpost to this temple. Next, we turn to the left to follow the road.

you will be surprised when he arrived at the temple area. When direct view into the middle of the temple area, just a stone structure roof looks as if only plays a few feet above the ground. What really Sambisari only small? Upon closer, then we got the answer. Apparently, Sambisari was 6.5 meters lower than the surrounding area.

Sambisari Temple Tourism

Sambisari expected to be built between the years 812-838 AD, during the reign of Rakai possibility Garung. The temple complex consists of 1 main temple and 3 accompanying temple. There are two fences surrounding the temple complex, the fence has been perfectly restored, while the other fence revealed only a little to the east of the temple. Still as a barrier, there are 8 pieces phallus stakes are scattered in every direction of the wind.

Main temple building is unique because it does not have a pedestal like other temples in Java. Foot of the temple also functions as a base so that parallel to the ground. The foot of the temple is left plain, without reliefs or decorations. Various ornaments are generally in the form of new simbar found at the top of the temple of the body to the outside. The ornaments glance like batik motifs.

Climbing the stairs of the temple entrance, you can find an ornament of a lion that is in the mouth of makara (the magical animal in Hindu mythology) gaping. Figure makara in Sambisari and is an evolution of the makara form in India which can be a blend of an elephant with a fish or a crocodile with a curved tail.

1 meter wide hallway will be found after passing through the last steps of the main temple entrance. Around it, you will find three niches, each of which contains a statue. On the north side, there is a statue of Goddess Durga (the wife of Lord Shiva) with eight hands, each holding a weapon. While on the east side there is a statue of Ganesha (son of Goddess Durga). On the south side, there Agastya with aksamala (prayer beads) are worn around the neck.

Sambisari Temple Tourism

Entering the main chamber of the temple, can be seen phallus and yoni is large enough, approximately 1.5 meters. Its presence indicates that the temple was built as a place of worship of Lord Shiva. Phallus and yoni in the chamber of the temple is also used to make holy water. Typically, the water poured on the phallus and allowed to flow past the small ditch on the yoni, and then collected in a container.

Exit from the main temple and headed west, you can see all three ancillary temples (companion) are facing the opposite direction. There are allegations that these ancillary temples intentionally built without a roof because when excavation is not found rocks the roof. Section in the middle of the ancillary temples have a square pedestal decorated with dragons and padmasana (lotus) spherical convex on it. Possibility, Padmasana and pedestal used as a statue or offerings.

When you have been enjoying the beauty of the temple, you can go to the information space. Some photos depicting paddy environment Karyowinangun before excavated and the initial condition of the temple when it was discovered to be found. There are also photographs of the excavation and reconstruction of the temple that lasted for tens of years, including photos of other objects found during the excavation, in the form of a bronze statue which is now kept in the Archaeological Heritage Preservation Hall.

Beauty Sambisari now we can enjoy is the result of hard work of the archaeologists for 21 years. The temple was originally like a giant puzzle, piece by piece rearranged for the sake of conservation of the cultural heritage of the great one in the past.

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